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ToTbe Pacific Oonst. Go to California via the through lines of the Burlington Route, from Chicago or St. Louis to Denver, and thence over the new broad gauge, through car lines of the Denver and Rio Grande or Colorarlo Midland Railways, via Leadville, G'enwood Springs and Salt Lake, - through interesting cities and unsurpassed soenery. Dining cari all the wav. 0 TWO CKXTS PER niI.E. O. II. It.Thoitsnnd Wlle Ronkx ;:il . Tliixisaiid I'olntN. A popular demand has been a thousand mile book at a $20 rate good over sever.l roails without referred attaebmeiit ei other vesationa regulationa. The new tbonsand miln bookswhieh the Cincinnali Hamilton & Dayton Railroad will pjace on sale on and after January 20 tiipt-t thedemand. ïhey will besold al U C. 11. & D. tk-ket offices and will be HCcepted for passage nol only on all divicions of tlie C. H. & D. but also betweën all Riations on ftfteen otber Unes. Thej are an ever-ready ticket between Cineinnali, Indianapolifl, Chicago, St. Lmif. Darton, Toledo, Baffalo, Salamadc, lri. Wii ■' i e, Peoria, Ann Arbor, Cad(Mirli.) uil a Ihonsand, oilier loitits 42 DETROIT, L ANSING& NORTHERN R.R. Schedule of November 30, 1890. GOING EAST. A. M. P. M. P. M. I-eave HOWEI.L JÜNC 10 25 4 41 8 2i' Arr've SOCTH I.YON.... 10 50 5 17 8 ftl " PLYMOUTH 11 10 ft 4U 9 14 " DEÏKOIT 11 56 6 30 10 0." GOING WKST. A. M. P. M P. M. P. M. Leave IIOWFXL JUNC. 8 S0 12 57 6 33 8 04 Arr've IAN8ING io 00 2 28 7 4 9 30 ' GRAND LEDGE 10 30 2 55 8 12 9 55 IiAKK ODB88A. 1110 8 50 GR'NI) RAI'IDS.. 12 10 9 50 1ONIA 11 5 8 60 9 15 P. M. GREEN VILLE... 12 22 4 57 10 12 ' H(JWARDCITY.. 100 5 3= 10 55 CHICAGO & WEST MICHIGAN RY. Schedule for Jaiiuary 4, 1831. GOING SOUTH. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. Leave QR'ND RAPIDS. 9 00 1 00 5 05 8 40 Ar've HOLLAND 9 66 1 40 6 00 9 35 GRAND HAVEN. 10 37 3 44 6 40 10 13 MUSKEGON 11 05 4 20 7 10 10 45 GOING NOKTH. A. JI. P. M. Leave GR'ND RAÏ'IDS 7 25 5 05 Ar'vc NEWAYGO 8 52 6 32 WHITE CLOÜD 9 IA 6 55 " BIG RAP.DS 10 15 8 05 BALDWIN 10 20 8 15 - LUDINGTON, I , „ ,„ w Via. F.&P.M. R. k. f 12 2ö l' W " MANISTEE, j ,, J 10 „o via. M.&E.K.R. 1 lu "" " TRAVERSE CITY 12 35 10 35 Parlor Cars on all trains between Dt'iroit and Graud Raplds. Rate, 25 cent-i for any distance. FreeCbairCar between Grand Raplds and Manistee. Leave Grand Rapids 5:05 p. M The '■ Favorites " between Detroit, Grand Rapiils and all pointe in Western and Northern Michigan. GEO. D. HAVEN, General Passenger Agent. 80-DAY Excu rs i oN THROUGH MEXICO February 24th, 1891. Pullman DrawingroomSleepingCars. TICKETS, BERTHS, SIDE TRU S, MEALS, GU1DES. INTKRPRETER8, ard all Necessary Exponscs included. For ferths and I'articulars write H. D. ARMSTRONG, Trav. Paes. Agt. Jlo Pac-Ity., Jackson, Mich. !G. H. WILD, MRCHANT TAILOR is showing the largest stock of FAZ.Ii GOODS. He has (he finest TBOmCURM in Aun Arbor. Examine O. H. Wild's stock of l.nglish Dress Suitings AU the latest Novellies can be seen at . 2 Whs'miiuIoi: Sil., Xfr .Ifnin. Wnen Iib ..s sic-2, we gie her Castoria. Wbao she as a Child, she cried for Castoria V.'heu stw bfcame Miss, she clung to Castoria. Whb ■ he had Children, she give them Castori. i V No !Sfew JK yv Jirst Class f "' 4 ,i.iilt .tiVv NDONe The Lurci't, Faatcot and FlncKt In the World. Passtmn"'' aoeomodatione uncx-cllecl. NEW YORK. LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW CIROASSIA. Ffb 21. I ETHIOI'I.V, Maren 14. ASCHOHIA.Marrh". DEvONIA, " 21. NEW YORK, GIBRALTAR AND NAPLES. CALKIi MA ; i-e. VI. ITALIA, DeC. 10. CALIFORNIA, I), SALOON, SEGOND-GLASS AND STEERAGE ratea "ii lowest temu t and from tiio p-inripio SCOTCH, EN6L1SH, IRISH AND ALL CONTINENTAL POINTS. Kxcuraion Tickets n-ducetl , made ivvailable to return by i'ither the Picturesqaa Clyde & Korth of lreiand, or Kiver MrrsL'v A: Som ii ut I reland , or Naples te üibr.iftar. CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT, DRAFTS AND MONEYORDTRS tor any amount at lovect cuirant ratM. Apply to eCny of our local asente, or to I HENDERSON BROTHERS, Chicago, III. JAMKN K. BACI1. Agent. Y" yqfflBuot 'ou? Home cnni ovit #500. (M) a pf 'RB'i;in'Ts re pftüity f-iitmtic from $5 10 I A C. t Box ltO Porti ttndJUln


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Ann Arbor Register