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BUSINESS CARDS. p R. WILLIAMS, Attrii-y at Luw, Milán, MlcU. Money loaned for outslde parties. All legal uslnessgiven prompt attention. A LKX. W. HAMILTON Attornev at Lw. Will practice in both State and United Sts.e üourts. Office KoomB, one acd two, Ist fioor oí the aew brick Wock, corner of Hurón and FoortJi Streets, Ann Arbor, Michigan. TRUCK AND STORAGE. Now we are ready with a New Brick Siorchouse for the storage of Homeholds, Pianos Books and Stoves. Pianos and Fiirniture caretaUy rrjovert All kindsof Heavy and Light draymg. FRfclCü 1 WORK. Residence and Office, 46 N. Fourth Street. Telephone 82. WM. V,'. NICHOLS, DENTAL TáELOES over Savings Baui: oppositi. Court House Square. ■ Teeth extracted without pain by uso of Gas or Vitalized Air. WM. BIGGS. Contractor and Builder, And all Ulnilf ot morK Ín connectlnu wlth the aboye proraptly exfientaa. W Shop Cr. of Charch-st and S. ünivereity ava Telephone 9 : P. O. Box 1248. 32 E. HURÓN STREET ís a good place toset repairs done by skillful mechanica such as Canentering. Fnrnitm, Gasoline 5to7ss BICYCLES, SAWS FILED, etc. Also a full line of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS New and Second Hand. It ia the place to get a good bargain. J. S. MANN, Proprietor. C. H. MILLBN'ö INSURANCE BUREAU No. 67 E. Hnron St., Ann Arbor. Oldest agency in the city. Established nearly half a century, and representing over flfty million of assests. Home Ins. Co., of N. Y H?J Continental Sïm'Si vi„,r, 2,490,654 Glmrd öf"Pa".V. Ügfe Oriental, of Hartford - r?""3 iHïïi'sSï Commercial Union Ins. Co., of London..l4.689,2.7 Liverpool, London & Globe Ins. Co 18,786,094 Loses Liberally Adjusted and Promptly Paid. O. H. MILLEN. Henry Richards, Dealer in all kinds of HARD WOOD, LUMBER, FENOB POSTS, MAPLE FLOORING, etc., aleo And all kinds of Firewood. Prices as Low as Anv Dealer in the Citv. AGENT FOR THE CHAMPION BXVSEA3 AND WIW, lïo. 9 Detroit St., - Aun Arbor.HIch. LUMBER! LUMBER! LUMBER ! you oontemplate building calí at PERDÓN LUMBER ïffl Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., ai d get our figures for all kinds oí LUMBEE We manufacture our own Lumb-. and ruarantee VERY LOW PRIOEi 49-OlTe as a cllnil we wil) makt o .voiir Interest, un onr lárice nucí - (jrBiled Htocb fally MlHlninawnr bbn r JAMKB TOLKKKl, Pr 'T. J. Kr,KlH. Nnm B1HSBY & SBABOLT ISTO3. 6 .A-JSTX) 8 Washington Street, Ann Artx. Michigan. Have al7&vs un Hand a complete .Stock of ep-i thinsli the GRÖCËRÏ LINE! Teas, Coffees and Sugars All prime Artic'es bought for Cash and can sel at low figures. Our frequent large invoices o Teas is a sure aign that we give bargaius iu QTTALITY AND PRIOE. We roast our own cofleea every week, alway irash and good. Our baker; turn out the ver uM ol Breftd, Cakes and Crackers. Cali ani iNMMi POBTRAITS! I F '0ü WISH A IOR.TJt.lIT FROM LIFE Free Hand fromFhotograph.or any Permanent' Enlargement, place yur n-ávr at Coi.e's Studio. ampies of whnae work are to be found in the homes of Mrs. Dunster Mrs. G. S. Morris, Prof. A. Winehell, Mr. 0 M Martin, and niany others. COLE'S 8TDDIO, 40w8 861 Woodward ave.. Oetfoil. .ISTIST ARBOE FRUIT--.-FAR-MI PEARS AKD GKAPES A SPECIALTY. All kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Trees and Flowers, fr-m Eu.wanoer & Barry. Ier Farly by Mal!. Syrups, Medicinal Wlnas. üaspberry .Syrups, Boncset, Pand. liou and Other Domestle Grape Wjnes, i'rppared espucially for Invalids. SPure Plymouth Rock Ifes. F, MIL BAUR, w. Hdboh-St. zElCAFIIAt, JiSlIHIII.zIK THE Efljsloss Mertgaga h)m Offers for sal-, M pur nuaccru ■ nterest. its owu seven per rent. first mortgflgfi 'O pou bonds lu amount Imm SiöO to ï.-,0OO) on improved farm ind city property Semi-amiual inifrest. Absoute guarantee 01 lutiTu-t and principal. Iuterest payablein Ann ATbor. Kor parlieuiars In riigard o these safe and d-ir;ib'.e loans consuli W. I). HARKIMAN, Att'y, Ann Arbor, Mich. JtUE FIGURE "9." The figure 9 in our dates wil] makfi a long etaj. No man or woman now living will ever date s iocument without using the figuro 9. It standf in the third place in 1890, whero it will remain ter years and then move up to second place in 1900 where it will rest for one hundred years. There is another "9" which has ulsocome to stay It is unlike the figuro 9 in our dutes in the résped that it has already moved up to (lrst place, vhen it will permanontly remain. It is called the "No 9'' Higt Arm Wbeëlet & Wilson Sewing Machine The '"Jo. 9" was endorscd for first phice by ih. experts of Europe at the l'ar's Eipoeltion of 1S89 where, after a sevire contest with tho leading ma chines of the world, it was awarded the onl; Grand Prize givt.'n to famlly Bewing niuchines, al otherscji ezhiblt haring teoeived lower awordi of gold med:üs, The French Government also recognized itssuperioritybythodooorationof Mr. NathanielWheeler, President of the oumpouy with th Cross of the Legión "of iïonor. The "No. 9" is not an old machine mproved upon, but is an entitely now machine, and the Grand Prize at Paris v:4s awoided it as the grand cstadvance in sewins machine mechan'..- of the age, Those who buy it cun rL'st assured, there lore, of having the very latest and best. WHEELER & WILSON WF'Qt 00., 185 and 187 Wabash Ave., Chicago Sold by M. STABLEK, II tV. WHllil!etn-H(. fi"iïtt ?i L R?iB 1H onnle In Ptallaitelont 1 Hlñ S'íSr i Si at the Nevvspaier Ad"et N. W. AVEM A SON. our aathorlxed njx-.nt B A pamphlct of inforraation and &b-Ê Vstract uf the lawa.flliowing Uow tom[ 4Btv Obtain Patenta, Caveata, TradeK ' l.Marks' Copyriclits, sent ItM'JK 361 lïroadwny, jafm W. L DOUGLAS L.-, AE 9 k V ad her spocialtÍiC B5" 89 a Hes for Gentlemen, rautod, ft'i lonbottom. Acltlress W. 1,. !1 I . klui!,BXaB. soiabjWH. BBIKBTABBT CO. KREMEMBER Rf uïïcK IS THE NAME OF THAT ■ W Wonderful Remedy That Cures CATARRH, HAY-FEVER, GOLD is the HEAD, SGRE THROAT, CANKER, and BRONCHITIS. m itaHi Prtce S1.0O. Pint Botties For Sale by leading Druggists. PEEPARID ONLÏ BZ Klkick Catarrh & Bronchial Remedy Co. 82 MCKSON ST., CHICAGO, ILL.


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