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MANorWOMAÑ Shoul carry some Life Insurance an .%N IH'TI) POLICY, as now tssutd by the National Life Ins. Co.. :■ veboxt. Provides; furúrany emeiRenry that cau srUe. can te paid for in fiye, ttn, or twenty years an contains the followlng guara nteet: FIKST-A pala op pollcj aflet three yean which amoum is wrltien un ihe face oí the policy. NKC'OSi I- Itguarontees yod an Annüal Cabb AI.UE, or if the niMirtd needi, or desires to ral money, the Company wil] loon on tliis policy, ano Btill keep the policy iu forcé, 'lhis i? a sreat ad vttntage to a peison wbo mav neid money Ín busimssor to protect on it gnanntea extended InnntUM ror the mil ame, mu ol niMimnce, tur su long time as the cash valué will ij tot n. Thlsisa valuable iptirD to who mi; Ihrough pbystcal, ,i Hbaiicta] mieíonone detire thelr poney carried. In fiwi this PoUct ffotecl? gaijit $1$) Ín BusinefS, and also nif.kcs an absoluto provi ion m case of death, for wife, children or credit ore Rememfcerthls Tulic; te OHLT wrltten by the National Life Insurance fompany ot Montpeller Yennont. ' ' KOBOK w. KILLEN, Sm iai Ki.t, 1 Ham 1 1 Ion Bloc . ANN AEBOR. MICH. ïnsurancï, hú Estáte and Loan Agencj OF HAMILTON & GREEN. OFFICES: No. 1 & 2 Hamüton Bl:k, FIRST FI.OOR. t Partles deíiriug to buyorsell Real Estau wül find it to their advaiuKe to cali on ns. We represent the followlng firstclass Fire lumrance ióiSPieSl bavirg aD rereffftte cpitaiof eyer Th Grand ltn j. ii. "., uh. ('o., The Otilo Farmrr's tus, ('o., (insnre only i!h ellincs . The Gerinnn Fire ín. ., The I'eoplr's Fíre Ins. t'o., The C'llizenN'FIre Ins. Vo., The U.sithesier Flre Ins. Co., The Mllwaukee Werhmilr's Fire In Co., The Xew lliinipsliirc Flre In. Co., The Northwestern Flre Ins. Co. Hatee Low. Lodses liberall; ndjusted and pal prompt) y. WealsoiwiuB Life and Investment Pollciea in the Conn, Mutual Life Inturance Company. Assetó I55,UOO,OOU Persont. desirlng Accident lnsutnce, cn have yearly Pollclee written for t&em or Traveler's Coupon Insurance Tickets Issned st Low Kaufi lu the Standard Accident Insuranc CompM. :.t Desroit, Mich. Money to Loan at CuriM Ratos OfSrp honrs from 8 a. h. tol2v. and 2 ir ii. llaii.lli.ii, Creen. Aní? the bes-: lamp U, . j JAÍüyffl ever made, like AladBBpjp din'sofold, a "wonN ■ - derful lamp!" A lamp Ci-r ' fF) ubMoIuti-ly nonYíí "; ' " ' . '3 cxpluHlve and unVkví'iy. '. ''y breakable, which r#SsJ: ives a oloar9 Hoft nftnB9HBVa rilliant whltelight tHRBmBv Purer and brighter &$&y than gas light, softer y- .tx than electric light, ," niore cheerful than JfeaoísyS either! That lamp is TjgSeAy "The Rochester." Ko Smoke, KoSmeU. Ko Broken Chtmneys. Only flve years oíd, anti over two milüniw In íi se, ] r ni us t be a good l.un to maku molí u te!IiDjE BDOCMS. Indeed it is, for lamp nmy como am? lanipi inay jzn, but fie "llochester" shlni-s ou íureverl Over t,000 nrf ím( ie Tarletles- Ilangiiiír and Table Lampa, líaniuet and Study. .st' and Piíino J amps-every kind, in Bronze, rurcelaln, Nickel and Black Wrouuht Iron. Ak tha laiup dealer for it. Look f'-rthe tñda mark utamp: "Tiik RoCHKHTi EL" lt h hsn't t ' j fff'iuiiiir RoobutAr and the style yon ant, orlf tbere tdQO htnip-storo iiour, seml rMia direct for freo i-lntratt'd catalogue ( md ruduced priceHst), and we will box and send yuu auy Uxup safuly by expresa, rlght to your duur. UOCHESTER LA3KF CO., 42 Park Place, New York, Mawttfaetwr ■ fvPaUnt ' , ■ GOLD 2LEDALr PARIS, 1873. Ï. Baker &Co.'s dFB8Ki8Si Cocoa from which tho excess of oil has been removed, is Absolutely Pure and itis Soluble. No Chemicals are used iu its preparation. It has more than three times the strength Of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. Vïll i'-.i-i"y inrpiliir. ni ,tm.ii ordili.'r ■ nHIfc9l 1 1 " rk iiilustriouly, V W V W Vi. ■ ■■ TbMsuS ihiilin m ïrlntb1r -wn - . ■ livp.I wtlUlsoftirnlch loa orcm,! ... i, i id n Mrn tluitamounl. Na rnoD (be ■ ■ , i ,- mul iiirklr ily. I isvt alraady tagttt and fnvld i wth employmenr a inrp tambor, wft nktn; ov-i ?:;'-mi ;....■.■, M ;W ad ful) MÍrtlcuIm FKKI'. Atf.!r,-B8 at once, j:. O. Al.ll . Box 4O. AufHItA, lUttiiie. PreOOO.OO ■ year U mide by John B. GoodwIn,TrÓ7,N.Ytwork fur u. Kdr, you mtv BOl nmlie as much, but e cao tendí j-i'.u nuu'kly how tunrn from 9& to flO a lay at the start, and mora as you go nn. fi-.tïi t xt-s, Ail agt'8. Jn ny jiart of Ameruíi. yon run eODIMMüe ni lióme, girin? all your tinii-.or I para moiiifíiis only to , nry irnrfci l ■ Hurí mi, 'fnniwhftiy rerrtlilnr. I..SH. , --I I.Ï MI. Y learaed. ■ , líl H 1 !.A.'." !'Ui:K. AJilrfatonct . M.Y1.K.


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Ann Arbor Register