OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. Aiivoni.semeuts, such as To ient. Fur SaJe nd Wants, nat exceeding three lines. can be iis.Tt aI three weeks ior 25 aiii. WA & TE II. W% IBI1-To rent. a good house of five or six rooms, near courthouse. Aililress B. Register office. 47 riM tli- Nurse oirl. and to hlïpwitbThousé W work. Apply at 35 E. Aun st. 46 WAÜTKIi-A man withsmall fanilly to work a farm of 60 acres, near the city. Either on sharesor for cash. Apply to J. 8. Mans, 32 Kast Huron-st. 45tf FOR SAI.G. (7R BAM5- Ol Exchange for Ann ArborCity F Property- A Stock of Goods. consisting of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Groceries and Clothing, in a good location and an old-establlshed trade. For fnrther partlculars inqaire of McC. LeBeau, 25J Lawrence-st. 44tf I.MUISAI.1-: AT A HAB(íAIX-A forty acie Farm, with good liouseand barn, on section li; in the township of York, about four miles from Saline Village- known as the Onderkirk farm. Inquire on the place, or of E. B. Pond, No. 6, N. Main-ht. Ann Arbor. 45 f'OR Ten acres Land. situated opposite the residence long known as the Averill Burnett place, in section ten, township of Webster. Three acres is in fall and winter apples; a fine row of hard maples ! the roadside; also living spring of good watirr 'vill also sell all my Personal Property on sanie .1 . y. Will Ije sold by Anction, on March 7ih. p. m. Wii.i.iam Bikneti. 45 I71 ÖR S VI. F.- choicecanned Fruit- eipecially 1 FOK-.'. Address Mrs. J. C. Bmn, P.O. box 1215. Ann Arbor. 45 OK .SAI.E- Theproper'y known as the Willits homcstcad, at Delhi Mills, for less than half its actual valué. U. (:. Reevk, Dcxtcr. iG OK SAliK- A three-yearold Colt, sound and i well broken. I am at home Mondar each week John W. Reevk. Webster, Miren B.1891. 1OR KA IJK- A large Sfe, in good coudition. r Also a lot cif Household Goods of all kinds, cheap for cash. J. S. Mans. 82 K. Iluron st. 45tf L'OR SAI.E-Horse, Phaeton aml Cntter. Inr quire at 36 Williams st, or at m y office, No. 5 NT. Main-st. J. Q. A. Fessions. 41 1 f FOK stl.i; OK IXt'HANVK ;VJ acre farm Good buildings, near 60 m. to Washington, SlOperacre. Address U. O. Buntlrg, Guineys, Caroline Co., Va. 49 FOR BBIfT. 'OK REST- New House for rent. Modern ' ituprovements. Apply to A. V. Uimillon. 1 1 jjioR RKMT- Two suites of rooms, heated by V furnacc, with modern conveniences. No '29 E. Jt iVerson-.'t. 45 n The Kmanuel Mann Homestead, f tituate on south elevation of A))- Arbor. Large brick house, barns, and 55 acres ol I 'lid, &uited to plat for Ci'.y lots. Inquire ol Uu y J Mann. tf ,K BENT- Large Brick Huutse. with Rood i well and barn on premia a. Inquire of J.Q.A. Bessiohs. 15 l'OII BKMT- Uouaeon Wesi Llberty-il f SI. 50 per week. Inquire at Eb r White' place jj-oil Uh. i- ïwo Flais, nii'i several suites of " looms. in the tiew Sager block, 21) S. Sti Inquire at 18 8. State. 28lf NIACKI.l.ANEMI'M. nn'.n-A pair of Nofel Í Ownercin have same by calliufrat this office end paying for adv. 47 JTMMTBOVTIWN in Drawina Rnd l'aintinR- L in O-ayon. Flowers and 011 1'. ■ "in. by Mary E. Flykh, 60 N. Maln-at. Terms, .i e pe. lesson. On Wedoetday afternoon, a ladj 's stemvwinder Gold Watch and gold chain. Kinder will please lcave at Register office and rcceive reward. 5 1OMT- A real Lace Ilandkerchief. on the eve. of the Cth, probablyon State st. Will the flnder please return to 42 Madisou-st, and recelve reward 7 45 U !■!■: t'KJi IK VI. tlll.l.s BuckwheatFlour, the best in the world. If your grocer does uot keep it in stock, send your order to the mili. Allmendinger & Schneider. 28tf Fthe mehlin piano! Very Highest Grade. - AI.LMENDlSGEIi PIANO AND ORGAN CO., LGtneral Aycnts. ;TheMehlinPiano Mkrits Examinatiom. } allmendisgek piano and organ co ) ? Qmtrai Agenta. f !iiili.iiil'''i!i::i:i!iii:n:'iiiiilllii:iili1[-liilli'iillil Knil -THE MEHLIN PIANOI Prices Reasonable. Quality Highest. [ ALLMENDINGER PIANO AND OBGAN (',,.. General Agenta. '::tiiiiiiiiij!iiiii.!iii u jÍthe mehlin piano. X LDo not let prejudlce pievent an Examination.jj) Y, ALLMENDIN6EK PIANO & ORGAN CO., ! t;,i,eral Agent. jS '"The Mehlin Piano! ' EVERY KJTOWS IXmOVKilENT. ALLMENDINdKl: PIANO AND ORGAN CO., General Atait. -ooco:oocoo!Woooc(xio)oooo()oo:oao(X)0(xx)oooo(xxxioö 1- THE MhJlfJX PIANO- % ALLMENDINGER PIANO cSt ORGAN CO., (fit. ffholttale umi llitiiil Agent, g Ann Akuok, Micm. #000000000000000 ,000000 0000000000030000000000000%S Íhe mehlint pianoTJI jj Guaranteed Six Vears (t { ALLMENDINGER PIANO & ORGAN CO., ' A General Agrnts. V
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