Mack & Schmid
SPRING HOSIERY! HOSIERY AND SOCKS, MARCII 9tii TO 14tii, 1891 (Jood, full-sizes Ladies" Hose and Gents' Socks 4 et?, per pairThe bulk of Spring Hosiery offered is black, and the Onyx Stainleas black leads in popularity the world over. Everv pair will be sold witii the following guarantee: Onyx Hosiery is positively stainless, will net fade in washing, nor crack, nor turn green. We have full lines of lnfants', Misses', Ladies' and Gents', and conÉtdently recommend the ONYX as the BEST FOR PURITY OF BYE and WEARING QUALITY ever offered to the public. Over 5,000,0 pairs of thia brand have been sold. . OUR DRESS GOODS department is crowded with New Spring Goods - don't miss seeing them before you buy. Our Prices always the lowkst.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register