Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
AUCTION - SALE f Commenoiiig; February 18tli. On Wednesday, February 18, 1891, I will commence an Auotion Sale of SILVERWARE, CHARMS, CHAINS, ETC. On account of having to vacate uiy store March 14th, and as I aat going óut of the Jewelry business, I wijl close out my Entire Stoqk at Auction. EVERYTHING MUST BB SOLD OlsT O Si BEFOEK MAECH 14! May Stock is Entirely New and First-Class, consisting of Gold, Gold Filled, Silver and Nickel WATCHES, Diamonds, Solid Silver and Plated Ware. Rog er Bros. Knives, Forks, Spoons, Etc. CLOCKS in Marble, Iron and Wood Frames. AUCTION EVEEÏ DAY AND EVENIMi Until EVERYTHING is Closed Out. Mr Remember the place, L.T. LIMPERT, Hangstert'er's Block. ANN ARBOR, MICIL
Old News
Ann Arbor Register