Neighborhood Notes
Chelsea ex pects a lively Imildiuir sea son. AGoodTeni...' i l"il(i lias been organized at Manchi sttji . A Tecnmseb niilltr wil1 ship 2,000 barrels of flonr lo Senil There aie eightren Knijihta of ilie Maccabees in Stockiri'ltse. There s tint an empiy limi-e in the village of Whftmore Lnfce. The New ïorkCdtholicSewfUMHifHiiieil over loo Bubscribers in CbeUea. is só good ihal it II nol have a billiard hall in its midft. Mrs. A Neeb, ol Deter, ill trecl a house on Piety 1 1 ■ 1 1 nell .-print;. Tne Ladies Libran Aseociation ol Dexter will give a pi. j ".irly in April. In the large ce house al Zukey Lake there are sabl to be 30,000 ton of ce. Henry Gardner, ef SburoD, bas been idjudgéJ m-ane and 'aken to Pontiau. Sixteen new nrembera have been dded to the Epwonh League at Dexter, Manchester will manufacture s me jron-clad stone boals daring the coming season. Almo!-t everybody n Tecumseb is buying Henry George's "Frw tradeaud Protection." Conritd Lehn. one if Manehesler'.s pioneeis and most respected citizens, died recently The Method stSaudaj' BcIriHil of South Lyon bas donated eixtj-nine books to a niissionary in Huron eounty. , Rpv. II. M. FinTiegan.a distioLuiahed Jesuit, will lecture in St. Marj 'a ehurcb, Chelsea. on Si. Patrick's day. The (ld pacristy of St. Mary'ü cburcb, Pinckney, is lü le torn down. A nhiv one will be ererted in ;ta place. F. ('orden, the veteran painter of Saline, lias preparöd several bible bci on can i"i Ucv. iokom, ofBlissfield. Wajie.s forfarm belpappearto beubont Ihesame this ycaraslast $16 to 8l'O per month lor the season. - Saline Observer. The V. C. T. U. ladies, at a recent meeting held at Lapham's Corn i-. ]resented Mr?, lakin vritb a Bil ver cake basket. Walter Kanouge, oí York, believes in raisinji l'oo 1 stock. He' recently eold eighty-three lanibs wbich averaged 106 ponnds each. Elisha Hiscock, a farmer living near Mooreville, died recently, aged ninetyseven years. He was a soldier in the ■war of 1812. Aaron San ford will toon bnilil, near Mooreville, one of the largest barns in this part of the country. It will be eighty-four feet long. "Match" socials are having a great run in Bome parta of the country. Look out for a n epidemie of matrimony later. - Dexter Leader. One of the most brilliant wedding of the season took place at Clinton last ïhursday. L. W. Kendall and Miss Blanclie .Siniih were happily joined In marriiijie. Our weijihty citizen audjudge of good ñorses is in western Illinois buying and Bhippins line nones to Ann Arbor. We bare referen re to Mr J. Noves- Chelsea Standard. The Chelsea Standard saya 'Dexter meat market men accommodatinglv allowtheir cellar doots to remain open nights. There are ]ieople there who appreciat the favor, too." ■The Saline Observer, which observes forti many thingr, says i hal dover hay is one of ili e beM feeds for poultry. It ihould beent up short, then ecalded and ünally mixed irithgTound feed. B. i. I.ovejoy, of Mam luster, i poultry shipper.sues the ü. S. express company for $500, alleging that the espreaa people delayed bis poultry till it contractedabad breath.- Adrián Pres. A I'.elleville lady bas sued a salo-n keeper for $25,000. Sheclaims thatghe as deppndent npon her hu'sband for support, and by reason of WestTall'e violatiouol the la w, che was depri ved of the lamo-. Messrs. Crozier and Job nsnn, of Ann Arbor, were in town laat Satnrday to organiïa a Good Templar' order, but they gave the matter up in disgust.- Dexter Leader. Wby ibis illdifference Dextei ? A litile Visilanti girl, len years old, recently rrote a leiterlo the president iisking for a tucmtive position. Ori St. Valentine's day i-he received a laige Talentine emlor-ed on the liack with the name of Benjamin Harrison. We omi,tel to nientinn last eek the mam mot h afiemoon social of iim m. e, ladie' aid society at Mr. nnd Uw, J. Henry Kord's. Rèceiit,$]035. Miian Leader. What.' Haveibe exiim i p. cies of nianmiotlis aiisen, aud do Ihev huid socials y The first snake story of the f,,w,n s furnished ua by Kit Cobb. Wlnli i nuting on the farm ownvil hv Mrs. J unes, near this village, Satu'rday, lie kilrd' a blue racer over live (eet long. llis snakeshiphadapparently just awakened from bis prolonged sleep and was not very qnarreUoiuv. Dexter Leader. James -Black wc od Pturnrd from bis New Vork 'isit on Satnrday, wbere he went to attend the lOOtli birthday of bis grandniothei. He reports a spiend id lime. Il s i: rand mot li er is remarkably finan. She does .-ome cd' the woik about the house. Few ot us have ever geen a personabundredyear old, -South Lyon Picket. A branch of the National Loan and invesiment ('onipanv bas been organzed in Chelsea with the following o'ficer.-: Pre-idcnt, Frank Staflfan; viccpreëident, Geo. Blaicb; Recretary I'eier .1. Libaran; treasurer, Wm. J. Knapn; attorneys, Lehman Bros.; directo W K. Heimenschneider, Wm. Emmert' .larob Iliiinmel jr.. E. E Sha ver and m' J. Lehman. Itis a cold day when the genial college student can't eüect some expensivedevJltry. Some miserean t, or miscreants, crawled into the organ in the chapel at the college the other day, and changed the pipes in such a manner that when the lair organist attempted one of her sublime voluntarles she struck a chord that would make the faculty see stars. Prof. Phieme is engaged in
Old News
Ann Arbor Register