Michigan State News
At : eonvention in .1 uckson of the) I I!. l.aiü ; oi i !rand Rapidv was nominated for justice at the ■ rurt, and Charl - K. Perri ii ■ ■. "t Ja I on, and Uenry A. Reynolds, of i) troit, for uni i ■ regents, A synopsis oi' the platform ia as follows: Y. ■ ;uiv o itorj Ion to the In . , ■ ■ Finiu i ■ loney by the : lender; th i : j j v i : of Bilí e. It f vo'i he equitable i. loe relurni ;. . L f the railroads, It f,;vored woman ution peoulatlon, trusts or coro binations; tin , hiiiitionof allen Lanü atio of land ownen tnut governxnent land be for aetuul 8eii)er- oaiy Itfavoretl the electlon. of president u vies rjéldent and U nited Sta tes senatora t ■, dl] ecl i ote. Ilruit h In Mlohig in. Reporte to the state bordof healtb by tifty-1'ir ■ obseryeri in different parta of the si te for the weck ended February 'il indicated tha1 meantes, djBentery, membranous croup, inflammation of the brain. cholera morbus, cerebro-spinal meningitis and typhoid fever increased. and whooping eongh, diphtheria and puerperal fever decreased in ai m of prevalenoe. Diphtheria was rep irted ut twenty-eiyhi places, Bcarlei [ever at f orty-six, typhoid fever al ainetcen and measles at thirty-t ".vu places. Tremendotu i:vii( ment. Banford I'. McDonald, formerly of Escariaba and i nephev of the late exLient-Gov. McDonald, was courtinga girl named Frazsr, :;1 Ashland, Wis. Her únele and whenhecame home one i i hl and found McDonald Wp i mil u !■ 'rolver andblazed :v;iv. One sho1 strucU McDonald in tin' li'l'i br '.; si :'i 1 he was quite likely ■ was in jail, the ffirl ïvim't tüiU" and therc was tremndous tëmsnl as ill p;irti ■- are well known. Sccttlsh Rite Masan. In Grand Rapids ;:t the special sessiin of the Vncieni and Aooepted Scottili !; ' '■ Ma ia i of the valley of (h-and Etapid i ie el ction of officerB resnlted :is Eollows: Edward I). Wheeler, Manlatee. illustrious commander in chief ; Qeorge IV Sinitli Muskegon, flrsl lieutenant commander in chief: HarveyC. Taít. (irand Rapids, secretary licutenant comraander in chief; Jacob Barth, (rand Rapids, treasurer; Siimnol K. VVatsou. lïrand Rapids, Beerctaiy. SI(h( Nol . lajr Carda. The board ",' village autUorlties at s, hoolcrafi passed an ordinance prohib iting the' sale and ose of playmjf cards, and making the second offense ninishabli' by a fine óf from 91 to $10 and imprisonmeni !■ r nol more than thirty days. THe law ;.s really aimed at the jingle g'ainl ling place in the town, but was made so swoeping in its nature that it Deludes the projjressive ouclire partie as wel! as the professional fiamblers. lai.illv v,..iii led Tbs mmi. Josi'pli [(olíase, a Poliafa miner at [ron River, ang-ered byso as boys wlio had been 1 .. ■ i at liim, ghoi l'i'ti'r I).,! ir, ü bartender, and ''Ed" Scott, cliii-f oí pólice, woúnding lintli mortally. The erowd v!iich pathered about t ' ,■ scène of the sii lotinfi attempted to lynch Hollase, but thesherifl rescued the murderer and placed him in the Crystal Kalls jail. r'ouiul th' Owner. It (ook a letter sis inonths to go from Ot M-j.ru l.aur tu Hay City and lind the owner. The adminii tral ion wasn'thali si i jinich ld blame as the address, which was: Wrzaa Szanownego pana buckoskiego Zationisty bom za pomnial I mie Bay eyly Mizchzygan Nori Aineryker. The man waa found ahd lic did not ilcnv it. Siiitrl hut "S,vv (t'HIK. Freddie Crommer, aged 18 years, was drowned whiie skating at Hillsdale. Joseph Bercance was killed by a fall of ore in the Aurora mine at Ironwood yefiterday. Two other men were injured. Nettie Robinson, aged 8 years, md Edith Cox, aged fl years, oí Grand Rapids, were drowned while skating. Mrs. Sophia Brandt, of Grand Rapids, aged l ".'. too];. ;1 dose of rougfa on rats. causing deatli in two hottrs. Anteeo, the hor.se purchased by S. A. lirmviiiif líalamazoo. for SYVOOO. was gold a few honra later to. II. L. llenrv of Morrisville. l'a . for WiO.OOX Corporal Tannerlecturedat Hillsdale, and for the lif-t time dtecovered it was Dr. Everett. of tliai city, who amputated bis leg during the war. .lolin Williams, a farmer, was killed in Coldwater in a runaway accident. (ïeorge II. liet's. ;, dischured employé, was air sied r1 Kalaniazoo charged with turning Ihe Caucets in all of the oil tanks of V. M. Kiesele's etablisliinent. doing great damage. The (rand Ijt'dge eoal company, wbose property lies in Kagle township, made an asfignminl Lack of capital W sa ld tO lel Ie r: U e. Prof. ï'. II. Scherzer. of lloujïliton, lias been uppointed to sneceed Prol Alexiin l'-r 'ini-bi II. in th? geológica] chair at n Arl or. Kennis Me(;itl. who lived near liiand Kap'd-s. a li'iiiid dead and inangled in bis barnyar i lie had had a desperate Sghi witli H bnll and bc was flnally crashed to rl ut h Pete -r, an u -ir'.an miner, walked into N'o. i Tamarack sliaft. near Eed Jat ket. nd feil a distance of 800 feet. eru.-hin everv bone in liis body. Bmall-pox is reported from all the states bordering on Michigan, and Henry K. Baker, secretary of the state board of health. has Usued a circular warning all persons, and physicians especially, of the danger from this dibease.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register