From Washington
BENATÏ. V :i;m. roN, l'eb. 25, 'in the senate yesterday ivas occnpiou in discussing the sundrjr cítí] appropria-. : ■ i ■ bil!. The nominal io ■ ules Posti r l l io, as secre! iry of l!io treasury. - Washi m, mn, feb. Ö. !■ i m tor Uorman V.c! t his colleagne, K. li. Wilson, in the senate yestertlay, :; : ; ;■ ter adopting resolutidiisof respect to his memory the senate adjourned. Wasiüm; j --.. l'eb. :'. - In the M'nate yesterday the sundry civil appropriation and the military academy appropriation )ills were passed and the lndian and legislative appropriation bilis were reported. A bilí ua also passed appropriating 92.006,000 íor a new mint building at Philadelphla. Washington, Feb. 28. - President Harrison Bent t the senate yesterday the nomination of Ilenry W. lilair, of New Hampshire, as envov extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to China, and the nomination was conflnned. The leglslative appropriation bilí was passed. House bilis were passed ti amend the various acts relative to immigration and the importation of aliens under contract or agreement to perform labor, and for the relief of certain volunteer and regular Boldiers oí the late war and the war with Mexico. Washington. Mareh.2. - In the senate ui Saturday bilis were passed to repeal the timber culture laws; grantinff u pension of $3,500 i year to the widow of Admiral Porter; to provide (or the reorganization of tlu artillery force of the army; to define and regiilate the jnrisdi eourt - of the United States and to entablish a United' States land conrt; to provide íor the safe transportation and humane treatment of export cattle Erom the United States to f oreign countries: the direct tax bill and the liidian appropriation bill. The death of Senator Hearst, of California, was onnounced. Washixgtojí, March '■'■■ - In the senate yestertlay Senator Manderson (Neb.) was elected presiding oflicer pro tempore, sueceeding Senator Injralls (Kan.). A resol ution was adopted thankin' Senator Ingalls for iiis services as the presiding officer of the senate. Among the bilis passed were the postal subsidy, the post office appropriation, the meat inspection, the agricultural college and sevéral public building bilis. . HOUBB. Washington, Feb. :2ö. - In the house yesterday the senate bill to refund the direct tax levied t enty-eirht yearsago to support the war for the union was passed. It carries au appropriation of $15,227, Ö8'i, and gives New York congiderably over Sri.000,000; Ohio, Ïl, 882,028; Michigan, Wüö.CK; Viscosin, $446,635; Nebraska, $) .::::; Illinois, J974,568; Indiana, I7B9.144: lowa. S884274; l'ennBylvania, 81,833.035; Minnesota, f93,450; Kansas. $00,081. I thcr states ret considerable siims. Washington, Feb. In the house yesterdaj the immigration bill and the agricultura] appropriation bill were passed and the general defleiency bitt was diseussed. Washington, Feb. "7. - The deficiencv bill and a bil] transferring the county of Logan from the northern to the Southern judicial district of Ohio were passed in the house yesterday. Washington, Feb. 28.- The house yesterday. after passing a senate bill amendatory of the law providing for the selection of school lands, resumed consideration of the shipping bill, and after a long debate the house nbstitute for the senate bil] u;is piissvd veas, 140: nays. I -.,1. W'asiiim. i on. Mare ; .-In the house on Satucday bilis were passed to prevent book-rnakiog and pool-selling in the district oí' Colnmbia: providing that nothing in the existí I laws shall be construed ;h affect ing the treaty existíiiff between th.e i 'nited States and the Ilawai'.an islands: to i pi al the timber culture law. the right of allexisting settlers to be savéd. Washington, Marcb 3. - lu the house yesterday senate bilis were passed grantinj;' a pension ui $3,500 a year to the widow of Admiral Porter and 10()a month to the widow of (en. Kilpatrick; for a public building at Saginaw, Mieli.. and the clistrict o!' (dluinbia appropriatlon bill. The conference report on th.' bill to Tepea! ÜSM timberculture law was a ifree 1 to.
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Ann Arbor Register