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Tortured By Thieves

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Mii.wwk :;, March :!. - Andrcw Kuereh. who resides at ii:8 Eigbth avenue, had ii l'vrlv tini" with robbers SuikUiv" nifflit. He sold sume proporty Satunl;iv. hm 'lil not take the money, $1,600, saying that he svonld cal] for it in a f (hi vs. Sunday nighttwomenenterei the house, wearinr m;tsks over the lower pari i their iaces, They quickly overpowered Kuerch. ;incl 'ne of them held :i knife it lus tbroat and threatened in case he made au ontery t kill him. They then asked where he kept his money. He replied that he had none of 1 1 1 - money in the house. The men then proceeded to torture their victim by sticlring knives intohim and also threatened to burn liis feet witli i red-hol poker. Cuereo huil notliiny to teil. hj)wever, and the robbers 1 1 ■ ' ; 1 1 1 . Ief1 him. [Ie has (fiven a description of. his assailants, vrhich may lead to 1 lieir arrest.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register