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Thcreby IIhiik a Tale. "And so, from hourto hour, we ripe aud ripe, Auri Uien, from hour to hour, we rot and, And thereby hangs a tale," Añil truly, '"tis a tale of woe," of one lm had Catarrh n the head, fr niuiy yenrs iid who really had been "rotfin(j," from hour to boor, anlil Dr. Sufrp' ( .turril Remedy name lo bis QOtice. He uscil it ut flrst witl) slijht signa of relief, bnt In' pcrsistul until a permanent cure ;s effected, and the world wan agxin plexHünl to live in. Froin his hwful HiöVriiiu lic is set free by tlie expendn ure of h few dollars in that infompari 11 re'itiedy. 3 u ii si. i.oh.'s Restaurant. "Waiter, how lort; have yon woiked here?" "Oh, aboutten days. " "My steak tfii-s orde red before yonr time then. 'IV ; 1 onc of those ether waiters !n come herc. io Faciflc Coaat. Go to California viathe throunh lines dl ihe Burlington Route, frora Chi(:(." or St. Louis to Denver, and thence over tlm new broad gaune, tbrough car linea of ihe Denver and liioGiandeor Colormln Midland Railways, via Leadville, Glenwood Springs and Salt Lake, - throngh nteresting ;ities and unsurpa i-ed scencry. Dining cars all the ivav. Ü DETROIT, LANSING & NORTHERN H.H. i Sehedule of November 30, 1890. UOINO EAST. A.M. P.M. P.M. Leave HOWELLJUNC 10 25 4 41 S 20 Arr'veSOCTH LYON.... 10 50 5 17 8 51 '■ PLYMOÜTH 1110 ft 42 :i 14 " DKTKÜIT 11 55 6 30 10 05 GOING WEST. A. M. P. M. j T. M. P, 51. Leave HOWELLJUNC. 8 S0 12 5Ï 6 33, SM rr'vc HNS1NG 10 00 2 28 7 40 9: " GRAND LEDGE 10 30 2 55 8 12Í 9 55 I.AKK ODESSA.. 11 10 ■ 8 50 GR'NI) KATIIIS. 12 10 9 50 IUNIA 11 9 M 9 15 p. If. GREENVILLE12 S? I :', 10 12 " HOWARD CITY.. 100 6 85 10 55 CHICAGO & WEST MICHIGAN RY. Sehedule tor January 4, 1831. OOING sorTII. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. Lcavo GR'ND RAPIDS.. 9 00 1 00 5 05 8 40 Ar've HOLLAND 9 M 1 40 6 00 GRAND HAVEN. 10 37 3 14 6 40 10 13 " MUSKEGON 11 05 4 20 7 10 10 45 ÜO1NU NORTH. ! A. M. I P. M. Leave GR'ND RAPIDS : 7 25 5 05 Ar've NEWAYGO 8 62 6 32 WHITE CLOUD 9 15 6 69 " BIG RAPIDS.. 10 15 s 05 BALDWIN 10 20 8 15 p. M. LUDINGTON, I „ ,,, „. via. F.&P.M. R. K. f 12 2 10 a' " MANISTEE, 1 ,., cm ,„ m via. M.&E.R.EJ 12 100 " TR 12 3ö 10 36 Parlor Oars on all trains between Detroit and Grand Hapids. Rate, 25 cent for any distance. Free ('hairCar between Grand Eapids and Man istee. leave Grand Rapids 5:05 p. M. Tne '■ Favorites " between Detroit, Grand Rapids and all pnints in Western and Northern Michigan. GEO. D. HAVEN, General Passenger Agent. Tt A UT 1D - 30-DAÏ Ex cursi oN! THROÜGH MEXICO February 24th, 1891. Pullman room Sleeping Cars. TICKETS, BERTHS, SIDE TRIPS, MEALS, GI1ÜES, INTERPKETEP.S, and all Necessary Expenses inclnded. For Berths and ParUculan wiite H. D. AEM3TRONQ, Trav. Pass. Agt Mo Pac Ry., Jackson, MlCH. 8 A W MILLS ENGTNES, iiuirv'l Variable Ir ei ion iVci. Bend lor catalogue and special prlctt. . It. F1R(DH4B GS., Yorh. l. l IG. H WILD, UKkCHANT TAILOR COODJ. H'i hu be Sneu ÍÜHMIIMiS lu A il II trliiir. KxMiiuii' H tl. n'lld'a tlck m Knulish )ts Suitintïs ; All the latest NoveUiflB can be seon ai 'i WfMHiBtoH st., Pfear iin. i m #- Tïrst c las s - 'aZIJkS. ANDAfONG The Urcl . '►! ct and Flnest In the World. ' Pasyenyrt-r aooomcMtationa uiu'xcelletl. HEW YORK. LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW CIRCA91A, l't-b 21. ETHIOPIA, March II. ANCHOR! a, Man h 7. DEvONIA, " 21. NEW YORK, GIBRALTAR AND NAPLES. CALEDONIA r:ec. 10. ITALIA, Dec. 10. CALIFORNIA, Dea 27. SALOON, SECOND-CLASS AND STEERAGE i retos on loweet terins to and f rom thep-im-iple SCOTCH, ENGLISH, IRISH AND ALL CONTIKtNTAL POIHTS. ËzourslonTlcketsrediuwd, maaeavailableto return by I elther thc PtctoreMne Clyde tt North of lreland. or ■ RiverMereey&Söutiiof Ireland.orNaples&Oibrtóar. BIICIUI LETTERS Of CREDIT, DRAFTS AND MONEYORlflRS : ioranj' amountatlowcst curriint rates. Apply tu sCuy of our local agente. orto HENDERSON BROTHERS, Chicago, III. ivm:s R. baCH. Agent. 7 1 T? pSHPrim"'" -Te ■:i!'il " fumino fioni#5t(i "L L BQm "'"' s'8rt .vo"' " ork in twr linif M.llllll-It.t' '..., lt.X ïflo'K'l'liMÏiVJi;, ...


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Ann Arbor Register