BUSINESS CARDS. pi R. WILUAK8, Allome}" t I-u. Hilan. Miel. Money loaned for outside parties. All le?al lusiness glven prompt attention. K' W. HAM1LTON Vítor" "I j. . ractice i both State and r o Ice Rooms, oiic and two, ls :.- 5 brick block. corner of Hurón aiir! íonrth i rbor, Michigan. trüciTand storage. Nnw ve are ready with a New Brick Storchouse 'nr the storage of Households, Pianos, Books and Btóves Fíanos and Furniture carefuüy moved. Ai! Kindsof Heavy ar.d I.ight draying. ÍREI&H I WORK. C. E. a-OZDIFIRJSY, Residence and Office, 46 N. Fourth Street. Telelone 82. WM. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL PARLORS over Savings Bank opposite Oourt House Square. Teeth extracte! without pain by use of Gas or Vitalize 1 Air. WM. EIGGS. Contractor and Buildsr, tml uil UliHls of work Ín conneftloa wilh thcaboye promptly executet. 32 E. HURÓN STREET ís a good place toget repairs done by skiliml medíanles such as Caronteri&g. "urniture, Gasoliae Stores BICTCLES,SAW8 FILED.etc. AlSO a Tull line of HOUSE FÜRNISHING GOODS New and Second Hand. It is the place toget a goodbargain. J. S. MANN, Proprietor. O. H. MILLEN'd INSURANCE BUREftU N"o. 67 K. Hurón St., Ann Arbor. Oldest aeency in the city. Established nearly half a century, and representing over fifty million of assests. Home Ins.Co , of N. Y 8,931,160 Continental 5,217,774 N'iaeara 2,49ü,6o4 Girará, OÍ Pa 1.482,899 Oriental, of Hartford 1.8Oo,G6.", Commercial Union Ins. Co., of London..lS,689,277 Liverpool, London & Globe Ins. Co 18,786,091 Loses Liberally Adjusted and Promptly Paid. G. H. MILLEN. Henry Richards, Dealer in all kind3 of HARD WOOD, LUMBBR, FENOB POSTS, MAPLE FLOORING, etc., aleo !Èap()lfll]LÉL And all kinds of Pirewood. Prices as Low as Anv Dealer in Ihe Citv AGENT FOR THE CHAMPION BINDERS AND XOWE&S, Xo. 9 Dclroil st., -■ Ann Arbor, MKIi. LUMBER ! LUMBER ! LUMBER ! you contémplate building cali at FBRDON LUMBER W Corner Fourth and Depot Sta., ai d gret our flguroa for all kinds ol LUMBEE We manufacture our own Lumbt' and tjfuarantee IVERY LOW PRIOEP. ï 49"Glve n h callnnd we 111 It jour Interest, us onr large and wol) Kraddl nIik'U fully mist ninn r iwi. Ion. JASES TOLRERT. iru(i. I T. J. KtECH, Hupt. klISlf & SSABOLI, 3STO3. S A.JSTJD 8 Washingfton Street, Ann Arbo , Michigan. ■ ave aWnyson naad a complete Stoc ol eTerth'nïlntiie BROGERT LINËi peas, Coffees and Sugars fcll prime Articlesbought for Cash and cansell ml low figures. Our frequent large invoices of Weas is a sure sign that we give bargains in QUALITY AND PRIOE. BWe roast our own coffees every week, always ttesh and good. Our bakery turas out the very K of Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and leesee
Old News
Ann Arbor Register