PORTRAITS ! 1F YOü WI3U A VOllTliAIT FROM UFE Free Hand from Photograph,or any Permanent1 Enlareement. place y mr order at Coi.k's Studio. Samples of whose work aro In Ie found in the homes of Mrs. Dunster Mr. G. 3. Morris, Prof. A. Wlnchell, Mr. o M. Martin, mul man? atbera. tddress (LE'H STUDIO, rard ave., Itrtrnit. ■AJSTIN" ARBOR FRUIT-:-FARM! PEARS ANDGRAPE3 A SPECIA I,TY. All kinds of l'"u[t aïtf] Ornamental Trees and Flov Elí.waxcee & Babry. o Elir Emly liy Mui!. Syrn'ps, Mtdlcinal Wi rrySyrups, Boneset, Dandclion and Otber Dqmestlc Qrape Wim dij r. ,r Invaluls. Pure Plymonth Ri E VUL BAüE, v. Hubos-St. - -HANGSTERFERCATEEBB. 28 -(Ilil! Ulll M. ■ v IKBOR. Te 11). -FOE - Icodi'eam, Fruit Iees,Wafers, -H0M2LI v : PvTvCH : ICEWink jL] made to ordar on short noti(e. i Ui; FIGCRE "9." The figuro O 'm tur dates v.-ill mata) a Ion;; Etcy No man or mima:; living v. 11 ov-r dte : Jocument without u;i:;!' tïic ngufo 0. Tt standí in the third ] . vvhere it wiïl remain tel years anti then move up to KCooud place in' 1800 ivhere it v.ill res Theroir uQotrn r""whlchhusalsocomotostay It is unlil e the .'i,;.:rc 9 in our dutes in Uw r tliut it h:.s nlready inovcd ui) to first place, wlicri it will permancutly remalo it is called tli' "Nu B'"Higt Arm W'beelerA Wilson Sewlng Ma TIk ' :o 9'' v:is endorsed forílrst placel ;. th rts of Hurope at tho l'ars Ezpositioii oi . wherc, after a severeoontest wilh the leadin chines of the wyrld, it was awardel the t I Grand Prize glven to family sewing machines, ;il ríthers ca exhiblt having feoelyed lowet awardt o! gold medals, etc. The French Governmonl also reoognized Itssuperlortty by thedecofatton i i .Mr. Nathanicl Wheeler, Prostdentof theoomp with the Cross of the Legión oí Honor. The "Ho. 9" is not an o ld machine fan] i upon, bat is m entlrery new machine, an:, llie Grand Prize at Paris wasawardi-U itas thegrnnd rstadvanee in sowins machine mechanism ui lUe age. Those who buy it can rest assured, tUorc tore, o! havinf the v'ry latest and beat, WHEELER & WILSON M'F'G CO., 185 and 187 Wabash Ave., Chicago Sold by M. STABLEK, II W. WnsliinK(iu.N. 'j"!ï? fLIJClistiiin"'i" rhlln-lelplil I ÍSÍÍS HAj Katth' Nownpaper iJ-ei ! iii.ï: i ÍÜ.'íi." i - i Mrssrs ! VV. tAVER A SON.ouraulluii;.-.! aïeofs Bft Apamphletof informatkra andab-W BXstract of the laws, öhowing llow toMf ■.Obtain Patents, t'aveat?. TvnúcJam. WH.Mark3, Copyriehts, sent irec.MÊÊm " !■"'- MUNN & CQ.MP" ■361 Broadvtar.l W. La DOUGLAS K J"B"11K Ir lies for (ii'Utii'iiii-ii. railtctl, anti 3O -,;i, ,1 ,)i bottom. Addffss W. 1. !)() (il.Air, Brocktun.iHass. SoldbJW.M. KEIMUKII'I' CO. KREMEMBER BM lTncK IS THE NAME OFTHAT ■ H Wonderful Remedy That Cures CATARRH, HAY-FEVER, COLD in the HEAD, SOBE TKROAT, GANKER, and BRONCHITIS. Prtce 81.00. Pint Bottles For Sale by leading Druggists. PBEPAEED OSLY BY Klinck Gatarrh & Bronchial Remedy Co. 82 JACKSON ST., CHICAGO, 1LL.
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