Farmers' Combine
[OH TOO 8I.OW. To' in-w alliance formation oí :i huge live ■ ■'■ination, including N'ebraska, [Cansas, Missouri .; 'i. president ' . l!i:mei says that tkí i ie oí the resnlts of of the allibílls. leans achievement oi the alliance objc'i-ts. Mr. McOrath says tha1 alliancea aro being forra ional district and provisions are being made for building col i bo ■ and grain depots. The district alliancea will be made ap o ín tliis wav a constant c ilion from individual mambers of the alliance i be had. He concludqt: "We will know how many cattle eaoh memberof the alliance baa on band, and lio can hold them wi ■■.iv; for nood of ready cash. il these faets will bo kept. No im I rrtbor wlll sell bis i;raiu to option men ot bánlíers, Uut when li is obliged to sell gralD wil! be taken by the alliance same thJng will follow with cattle. Wc will havo agenta al Kansus City, Chicago and st. Louis wno will keep the dlstrict alllanees posted a rketandthe demand. Upon tliis information the demand will be supplied. No option will be on the marki111 be no speculatiog on before barvest. The four stares u this trust wil! practieally contra the and eat ■ " : . The oomml in a certain iimoutit of wheat or entilo, da the case in ay bo. calllng on the ■ the hardest pressed for cash. The amount demanded to sup that day will b.' apportioned a tricta equally and in turn 1 by the district i ''i (armer who i--, a mi of the upon. Iiy [i a öuctuations in prices wil] be avoided. Othi . e tpected to jo i bing we have to dea! ■■. th ia Bxlng the pnce. We mean to ■■■■ ce.'l n the exact comí oi the prodnet and a ..i -, reasonable profit to it. This will Rive as .i standard prlco that can nr . ilned. The uew Bi modeled In detail af ter the whisky tm t. Of oonrsf yotl wtllsay that our principies wi 1 nol i we have decided that we mu levil with lire; that is. we mnst fighl tri ombinattona with tra :-. ;m i comb ■ IVbtle thla Bchexoe wil] reversa matl - : the stock tnen and grain men at tere e do not thinli any injury will result. The -clieme looks vinionury, pe .viil surely be fola ." rABMKRS s. ürMNKss MEN. Des Moinks, la.. March 8. - There is' likely to !■ trouble between the state. Business Men's association and the Farmers' Alliance, growinff out of the establishment by the latter oí' co-operative stores. To this the business men object, and have Qotifled jobbers that they must either stop selling goods to the alliance or the members ot the State Uusin !ss Men's association will boycott l.iein The alliance threatens to retalíale by refuaing to patronize members of the Business Men's association.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register