A Town Gone
yi'.ma's i Yrv. A. 'I'.. Vsivli 2 ín this town over 250 houses are in ruins, 1,400 peopie are homeless, not a single bu house rem ared that hundreds oi lives have been lost in (uia xailrv. The telegrapb wires are down and as al] bridges are gone and roads blockadedno reliable reporta can be had. The i-ivir above town is 7 miles wide and below the town the water in places covers the country in one grand lake over 50 milos across. The railroad company will not have the blockade n for west-bound trains for fonr days and it will be ten days r two weeks before tliey can The town has provisions for eight days. Report irom Jakuno, 15 miles above hcre. are to the effect that tlie nood drove the people into the treetops and that manybecoming exhausted from cold and hunger, dropped into the water and were drnvned. Reports IVom reliable souroes place the nutnbei of Uves lost in tlie valley anywhere from thirty to 100. Along tlie valley for 200 miles ever; desolation. Costly houses and barns have been washed away like playthiegs, while stock and fences 1,;". arried down by the flood. leaving the country as bai as a desert. .Men v.ho ten days ayo were wcalthy are now homeless mul paupers. Ëighty miles sonthoi where 5,000 Cocopah Indianslive, the country is Qooded for 80 miles square, and as there are no hills for refnge it is reported that over 100 of them have been drowned. The gTeal valley of the Colorado is one vast sea of water Six min just down irom the ila say that six people were drowncd 18 miles above here. Men. wonien and children are at work day and night moving to the hills. putting op wind-bri'aks and shelters for t hemselves. The Indians worked day and night, at times in water waist ileep. to save the town, and followed the where it went, to save all they could. Wikidi, ux. ( -a!.. Felj. 8. It has been raining continuously for fortyeight honre. All tlie streams in the county run full. Thousands of acres known as swamp land are ander water and the crops will be al most a total loss. ClTT OF Mkxico, Feb. 28. The port of San Felipe has been flooded by a storm. One sehooner, one Lighter and thirteen smacks have been wreeked. eighteen houses destroyed and many families made homeless. A munber of lives have been lost auil many cattle drowned.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register