Legislated Out Of Office
Cm.vki.ani. O., March -Z. - The municipal reform bül that b law on Thursday wipes out the whole city ■ : i : n ■ ■ 1 1 1 at one stro1 the board of education, whicli wil] be bill. The water-works, pólice, Bre, parks, inflrmary, c and ten r boards were killed outrifht, the council, uhicli IiikI another year io - ved until April li. the terms of the mayor, pólice judge, public prosecutor and treasurer, the onlv ëxecutive and judicial officers hereafter to be elected, expiring by limitation on that ilay. An entirely city jfoverument will thns havo to be eleeted on April 0. including a eouncil of twenty memlier, ten for one and ten for two years, and the politieal contest will be the most exciting ever experieneed in the city. The new mayor will appoint a director for eaeh of the now headl i nt3 heretofore governed by èlectlTe boards.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register