To Succeed Ingalls
WashÍstg ri'N. March 3. - A conference of repnblican senators was held Sunlav nijflit at the capítol for the purpose oí selecting a president pro tempore of the senate in the place oí Senator Irigalls (Kan.), wlio has held thafbfBce for so lm! wlio resigned the position recently in order to give the aenate -an opportunity to elect his successor before the session closed. There were about forty-one senators present. Senator Sherman, (O.) presided. Th] sominated for t Me.), 1 [oar, (Ma Manderson, (Neb.). Six . werl taken and on the lat Senator Manderson received 21 votes, :i majority. )n motion oí Senator Frye aomination was made unanimous.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register