A Real Luxury!
Looking out over the many homes of this country, we see thousands of women wearing away their lives in household drudgery that might be materially lessened by the use of a few cakes of SAPOLIO. lf an hour is saved each time a cake is used, if one less wrinkle gathers upon the face because the toil is lightened, she must be a foolish woman who would hesitate to make the experiment, and he a churlish husband who would grudge the few cents which it costs. If yQur grocer sends you anything in place cf SAPOLIO, send it back and insist upon havi.ig just what you ordered. SAPOLIO always gives satisfaction. On fbors, tables, and painted work it acts like 1 charm. For scouring pots, pans, and metáis it has no equa!. Everythin shines after it, and even the children delight in using it in their attempts to help around the house. t i& Grocers often substitute cli .per goods for SAPOLIO to malie a better proflt. Bend back sueh articles and insist on having jusl what you OTdcrod.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register