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Real Estate Transfers

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Tlie real eMute transfers for ihe week ending Fel) -S, were as follows: Spencer Coe to Joel Marble. land iu York and Augusta $3.500 Wm. Bacon to G Hellemus, land neai if corner of block ii. Congdon'sSrdadd, Uhelsea - $100 Ciustus sumlberg to Jacob B. Kuiler, n J w ' i w '..; n e '4 sec. 33, Augusta, 800 E.ijah libse to Addlson Osborn, n e '4 s e 'A Iec32, A' gusta 1,600 Levi E. Dralte to M. Burkhardt, lot on Henry st. Saline 1,000 Jacob F. Burkbardt to Jno. Burkhardt, und 'vr i n e 'Í sec 14; also land Ley at quarter stalt e, botween secs. 14 aud 11 runuing D 60 rods. e :, s tM. w liW-Saliuu 1.SO0 Jas. N. Wallacc to F. K. Bradley, lot at cor. of Cross aud Bowery-sts, Ypsilanti 1,500 Angelluc Vanlmyiie tu B. Swettlng. e i ■ u '4 sec '.'6, s 35 acres e ', n v ' , sec ZS Superior 4,600 Eunicc .). M, Ford to li. U. Walker, lot betw. Forest and Washtenaw-aves, E. S. Smith's lt atlil. Anti Arbor 1 E C. Walker to O. L. and K. J. M. Ford sanie 1 K. Kempf to W, K. Hount, part of s e '4 sec. 8U Sharou 250 A. M. 'an 'lassol to C. II. Kane, land on Chicago road. Ypsilanti, 500 C. sduplack to Augutt Schiplack, Ann Arbor 1 K. A. Ftrgusou to J. K. Smith, lot at corner of Forest-ave and Huron sts, Ypsilanti 800 Augusl l.udwlK loUoiUfcb Ludwig, und y interest in n U n e )[ sec 30 Nortnfield, 750 Simon ctraus lo F. J. Lcwis et al. Ann Arbor LMO Jno. Howard to S. li. Lappen!, lot 25, Normal add, Ypsilanti 2,800 Obediah Priest to Joseph IHllett, part of sec. 1 Manchester, 300 Ed. Hcwett to Lucy B. Ilewett, lot on Ellis st Ypsilanti 500 QU1T CI.AÍMS. I). M Hurst to C. W. Snyder, w ', se '4 sec tion :::!, Webster , 8 100 W. Look lo N. and K. H. Cordary, Ypsilanti.. Jno. F. LawroiKV to M. C. R. R. Co., part of c Un WÍ4ec28, Añil Amor H.W. Well8to8. II. longlass,landon Hunm strect. Ann Arbor ................ 1 Mry Baumgaitner to Louisa isel, lot i, block 5 s of Hurmi-st. range I, W 8. Maynard's add, Ann Arbor _.... ..-.. A F. L. Parker to Thos. J. Keecli, lot b, block 4 1 ne.of range 5 Ann Arbor, ... Joel Marble to G. A. and 8. J. liissell, s w 'Á noJiseciS Vork ■ 1'')00 Stephen lVrrin tn lc :oril im-l ?;aiks, und ' C n e ' , s. e ' , Beo 81. Wrcedom -J00 E E Thorne loThos. J Thnrne. ManchPsier !00 F' W. Cleveland lo A. H. Van Kassell. land 'on Chicago road. Ypbilanti 1 Henry Garlach to J. C. and 0. Garlach. w } 6 w V sec 31, Xotthfield l.'JOO Jlaniel Williams lo Kosannn. Timlin, e % lot 31, H. W. I.arzelere'd add Ypsilanti o(ü A J. and F. I. Mayliew to F. Ninde, pan of lot 5, NorniKl add Ypsilanli 1 Thos. Ninde to f. L Mayliew, same 1