The Stenographic Institute
=SPAKE TIME= If you have a few hours spare time each week, you can use it to good advantage in the study of SHORTHAND It is a pleasant and interesting study. It is so simplified that all may learn it. As a business it is unsurpassed. As a means of saving labor it has no equal. A new class will be organized Saturday next at 10 o'clock, a. m. and will meet two hours each week until July lst. This will give sufficiont time to complete the entire course and give a thorough review. Every student should understand Shorthand, as he would find a knowledge of the art indispensible in his Univcrsity work. We can fit you for a first-class position and assist you to secure one as soon as you are able to fill one acceptably. If you are at all interester!, cali and let us talk over the work with you. Sehool Rooms and Office, 20 S. State St, (NEW SAGER BLOCK, THIRD FLOOR.)
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Ann Arbor Register