.A. OJTtJD. It is now about a year that we have placed an assortment of samples of our large Carpet stock in the hands of Mr. Martin Haller, the furniture dealer, and must say today that we wish to express our sincere thanks for the most liberal patronage with which the public of Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County have favorecí us. The sales have been far beyond our expectation. We shall. for the coming year, exert ourselves still more to tnerit the favor. We carry a .stock of carpets of about 200,000 dollars, and we will of this stock send .samples to MrHaller of the chouest and newest patterns for spring trade. This will enable you to select your carpets of the latest designs and colorings, the same as when living m the city; get them cut without waste and made by experienced makers. Hoping you will continue to patronize us so liberally, we remain Respectfully O. W. RiCIIAKDSON & Cü., Wabash-ave and Adnuis Bt, Chicago. Referring to the above, I would say that I sball, in the coniing year, agaio try my utmost to deserve a liberal aliare of your patronage in the carpet line, and will, at any time, be pleased to show ;he samples. Respectfully, Martin Haller, Furniture Dealer.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register