J. T. Jacobs & Co.
=:o-:r,a.:et:d Zxivexitory Sale! W E HAVE JÜSÏ FINISHED OUR INVENTORA', and find we have a lot of nVHEHsT'S STJITS tliat we vvill sell at ONE-THIRD FORMER PRICE. A large line of Men's, Youths' and Boys' Single Pants at One-Third Former Price. A lot of Children's 8uits at Half-Price. A line of UNDERWEAR at Half-Price. Also, a Great Cut on other goods, too numerous to raention. I" Any one in want of Clothing, etc, will do well to purchase now, as this sale will positively close on March 14, 1891. Do not forget the place. 27 & 2í) Main Street. The Mainiuotli Clothiors and Hatters.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register