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Moore & Tabe...

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EpCYCLOPtbljl :- bDlJjlNCjl, The acknowledged Standard. Incomparably the best Encyclopedia in existence. E have the sole agency in Ann Arbok for the sale of the Henry G Allen reprint of the above work, and can offer you for $3(5.00 the only . complete and perfect re-print of the latest ninth edition of the Britannica, giving you a perfect reproduction of every Colored Map, Plate, Illustration, Word and Letter of the expensive original - costing 6150.00. The work contains over 700 of the latest maps, making the Allen reprint the latest ar.d greatest atlas in the world. Heretofore the high cost of this great work has placed it bevond he reach of most people. This bar to its popular use has novv been happily removed by the Allen Co. Cali at our store, No. ( Main Street and examine the work. DEALERS IN BOOKS AND STATJ0NER1. ïëW We Show a Very Superior Line of Wall Paper and Window Shades.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register