Personal And Social
Judge Cooley lias returned to Washington. S. A. Moran returned ïuesday morning from Chicago. Miss Kate Jacobs returned from Germany on Sunday afternoon. A. J. Sawyer left Tuesday morning for Mason, where he is trying a case. Miss Jennie White, of Grand Rapids, is visiting Miss Hattie Haviland. Edwin F. Mack, of Detroit, spent Sunday with his parents in this city. Mrs. H. M. Sloeson, of Coldwater, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Conover. Mrs. Charles Woodard, of Detroit, is visiting her mother, Mrs P. Kennedy. Miss Winifred Granger, of Detroit, spent Wednesday with Miss Kate Jacobs. John Moore spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. H. J. Robeson, in Port Huron. Miss Mary Isinay, of Howell, is visiting Mrs. George Grocker, of north Main-st. Elvin Milner, of Stockbridge, has been spending the past week at the reeidence of J. W. Rogers. Jas. A. Robison, of the Detroit Free l'rets, has been pending a few days with his parents in ihis city. C. H. Worden, accompanied by Mrs. P. B. Rose, goes to South Bend today, to attend the funeral of a relative. C. W. Mellor has returned frorn an extensivo business trip through Kentucky, Ohio and West Virginia. He reports great busineesdepression tlironghout that portion of the country.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register