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The charter electioii was held on Monday. The following offlcers were chosen: President, Henry Phelps; recorder, Jay Keith; treasurer, David Waite; trustees, D. Litchfield, John TufTs, Charles Stannard. Saline. F. F. Humphrey, of Detroit, was in Saline Saturday. A false alarm of fire startled tlie people of the village Saturday night. A reception was given Mr. and Mrs. George Wood, sr., at the home of A. A. Wood, Friday eveniog. A meeting of the Merino Sneep Breeders' Association was held in Saline to fix a date for a shearing festival. I.lmn. Rufus Phelps, of Scio, and Miss Page, of Lima, were married last Thursday, the 26th. George H. Mitchell entertained his sister, Miss Sarah Crane, of Port Huron, last Snnday. Eugene B. Freer received a visit from Frank Scott, of Eagle's Grove, Ioiva, last Sunday. Frank was formerly a Lima boy. The Lyceum Saturday evening discussed the question: " Resolved, That the United States has furnished the greatest men of science in the world." Ctaelsea. Uarmon Holmes went to Detroit, Tuesday. W. F. Hatch will spend the week in Detroit. F. W. Cumss, of Jackson, spent a few days here last week. Thirteen persons united witta the Congregational church last Sabbath. The "Willing Wolkers" will weet with Mrs. O. C. Bailey on Wednesday afternoon. Henry Pattengill, of the Lansmg Moderator, spoke on Gumption at the Baptist church onTuesday'evening. The death of Mrs. P. Schwikerath occurred on Monday. Herhusband died a few montlis ago. Six children are lelt. The reception given by Mrs. Geo. H. and Miss Myrta Kempf, at the home of the latter, was the social event of the season. About 130 invitations were issued and the spacious parlors were fllled. With music and games the evening houra passed pleasantly. SHleiii. A. Northrop has rented his farm and will remove to Northville. About twenty five were I aptized at the Congregational church Sunday. Miss Kate Phifler, of Emery, has been visiting at her sister's, Mrs. G. Naylor. Mis. Denio left on Monday witü her two sons to join her husband at Grand Rapids. Rev. Van Ankin, state evangelist, occupied the Congregational pulpit last Sunday. The inany young friends of Floyd Smith gave him a surprise party last Friday evening. Married, on Tuesday evening, by Rev. W. H. Shannon, at Lapham's, A. Vanakin to Miss Hattie Withee. Chas. Nollar has been appointed station agent of the 1)., L. & N. railroad at Beecli, vice Wm. Van Luton, who has been placed in charge at Salem. T. Dakin and wife left on Monday for their new home near Fowlersville. While serving in the capacity of station agent of the D., L. & X., Mr. Dakin made many warm friends, who will greatly miss his genial face.


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