Dyspepsia Makes the live of maiiy poople miserable, anshig distress alter eatiñg, smir Btomach, hirk lifiulache, In-aithuin, loss of appetltG, a faini, ■■ all gone" feellng, bad taste, coated tnngne, and Irregularlty ol DlStreSS tliobowels. Dyspepsia does After not k('1 W(1" of ' _ . reqalrea carefal :uti':;i' Eating .11Hi a remcdy like I: Paisaparilla, wliich acts geutly, yel effle i! tonos tho Btomach, regttlatea the ■ imn, erestea a good Sick lietite, lianislie.s headache, Jj L and refreshes tlm mimi. HeaoaCii "I havo been troubled wlth dyspepsia. ) had Imt little appetlte, and what I (lid eat dislrcssi'd me, or did me u Ii!" ec""' Ar"' 0:lti":r ' DUrn wouldhave n falnt er tlred, all-gone feellng, as tbovgb i liad not ei anything. Jly troiiblo was aggravated by Bay business, palntlng. Last spring I tMik Hood'a ollr saparilla, wnlcn did me an StOITiaCh ImmeoM amonnt f goud. it gave me an appetite, and my food rellshed and satisfled the craving I had previously experieuced." Geokge A. I'ack, Watertown, .Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Boldby ■QdroKgteta. $l ; ilxfor (ö. FziAtea oitiy
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