The Guild Piano
IS IT UNKNOWN? Read hat tbe greatest Musio Publishing firm in this country says of it : We have reuted and sold your pianos extensively, and recomniend them aa beingin ,rj, respect reüabU and satisfactory. & Messrs. Oliver Ditson & Co. have purchased upwards of 800 of our Pianos and never had occasion to make a demand on us for any defect m the Instruments. No finer instrument has ever come under my inspection. . . . . I cheerfully recommend them as inferior to none in the market. HENRY S. CU1 lü-K, Organist of Trinity Churcli, New York. I predict for your unrivalled pianos the highest popularity. They are now in the front rank of superior workmanship. n ,. nnw Sincerely yours, HOVVARD M. DOW, Organist of the " Church of the Unity" (Rei: Hepworth's), Boston. " Are the perfection of musical inechanism."- Providence Journal. "It is thesvreetest-toned piano I ever heard." From Mr. Harris, of England, tin inventor of the celebrated "Harris Engine." Mr. H. C. Barnabee. the celebrated vocalist, ttys: " The? are splendid in tone and action, and the handsomest pianos 1 ever have seen." I consider the Guild method of timing the nearest perfection of any I have ever seen. I have often wondered why some method was not deyised to tune the piano without turning the pins in the pin block. Guild has the right idea. Ihe i piano musí stay in tnne, and will certainly wear longer. ö. W . KHH N lOK. Müskeuon, Mich., August 9, 1890. No "slipping" or "springing" of tuning pins. The most beauttful cases. Guaranteed not to check. Mr. Guild recently wrote ; I am distracted with orders, make no new agencies. My improvements take like wildfire." It has been impossible for me to secure half the ntimber of these pianos aeeded. They are coming on again, and I cordially invite all to cali and see them. AL VIN WILSBY, State Agent. 25 South Fourtto Ave., Ann Arbor. Micb. N. B.- A fine stock of SEWING MACHINES (Especially the standard Guitars.'Banjos, Mandolina, etc., etc., at cut prices, for Holiday trade..
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