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Hamilton, Rose & Sheehan

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REAL ESTÁTE. ,, [MI Im To Investars and" Home-seekers 1 HIILIII ÍÍ((M A MNJIM flllf To the Gitv of Ann Arbor. We believe Ann Arbor is the Best City in Michigan I3SJ" WHIOH TO IIYE. The Educational Advantages I ere are unsurpassed ! The Streets are broad and well kept ! Ann Arbor has a low rate of taxation ! It has the best system of Water Works in the West. Our Addition is just ñve Blocks from the University of Michigan ; it has a front of One Hundred Rods on State Street, the best residence street in the city. lts location is unsurpassed for health'and convenience. The levéis taken by our Engineer, Geo. W. Sanborn, show the lowest point to be higher than Main Street in front of the Savings Bank The slope of the ground is such that the drainage is perfect, having a fall of rom six to ten feet. We have laid drain pipe through our land. We have filed our Plat and have given 8 1-2 Acres for a Park. The University of Michigan has purchased ten acres of land on South State-st, opposite our addition, for a Gymnasium and Athletic Grounds. The Streeet Railway will be built within a block of the addition. We have paid Fifty Dollars for a handsome and attractive plan for a Park. Work has commenced on the streets and Park. Seven new hourBS are already contracted for to be built upon our Addition this year. New 4dewalks have been laid, 1,100 shade trees have been planted upon the streets and Park. Two professors in the University have already purchased Lots in this addition, and will soon build good houses on thei lots. Hutzel & Co. have donated a handsome Fountain for the Park. All the Lots have an Alley 16 feet Wide, in the rear. We have made the price of the lots very low. If you buy a Lot we believe you will doublé your money in three years time. The Investment is Safe as a Savings Bank, and the gain much more rapid. Ten new houses on South State Street will be built this year. We will sell Lots for Cash. We will sell lots on time Payments. We will sell Lots to parties who wish to build houses at once, and will help them to furnish money to build. Buy a Lot, Money Made! Payments may be made by the week, by the month, or by the year as suits purchaser. Cali at Sheehan's Store, or at Hamilton Block,to see the Plat. We have the Park Plans. We desire those intending to purchase lots to examine them. Cali and see them. The new buildings on State Street this year will amount to Sixty Thousand Dollars. Investígate what we have, then judgfor yourselves. This is better than a Loan and Investment Association. Your money is kept at home. Persons intending to purchase Lots should look over our Addition and Investigate for themselves. Two new houses for rent. Modern Improvements, City Water and Furnaces.


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Ann Arbor Register