Crop Report
The month of January was a very peculiar one, the snowfall and rainfall both being very light. The weather has, of course, liail some effect apon Ihe condition of cereals. About forty per cent of Ihe corres, ondenls in the Southern and central counties report that wheat lias been injured. In Washtenaw county, six correspondent, out of seventeen, write that is in poor condition. The condition of live stook in this county is represented by the following figure?: Horses, 90; cattle, 07; sheep, 98; ewine, 96. Ten milis reported 32,112 bushels of wheat marketed since January 1. StaĆ¼stics regarding apple and peach orchards in Michigan are furnished by the secretary of state. Washtenaw county had in 1890 7,179.25 acres in apple orehards, and in 1880 raised 101,0ti3 bushei?, of which 57,2-.'4 were sold. There were 225.87 acres devoted to peach-growing, wbich yielded in 1889 2,196 bushels, of which 1,985 were 6old. The total value of all peaches and apples sold was $26,099.55. Thecherries, pears and plnms sold during brought $554; strawberries (407 bushela) $1,095; other berries, $1,950; grapes (3,300 pounds) SS7; garden truck, $2,155.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register