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Life Of General Sterman

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No literary announcement of theyear is of greaier inUrest to the geni' ral public than ihat of a comprehensiva Life of General Sherman, wbich is about to be published andsold through agents by the noted house of Hubbard Brothers,, of Philadelpliia. Admirable biographies of Grant and Sheridan, complete to the time of their dealh, are already familiar to the public, but a life of the third _reat commander, to iinish the series, hubeenlackiDg. Thevarious biographies of Sherman liitherto puljlished have necessarily been incomplete; ai.d even his own memoirs, written in 1875, saidalmostnothing of hisintensely interesting early life, and not a word, of course, of the more than twenty years of social activity aud fratemity with oíd eoinrades since the war. The work wbich is now to be issued will splendidly supply the widely feit demand for a history of the great strategie commander. It is being written by General O. O. Howard, a man of fine literary attainnients, whoknew Sherman better than any other of his comrades now living, and ranked next but one to him in the ariny, and by Willis Fletcher Johnson, whose abiüty as a historian is familiar to thereadingpublicof America througti his former unusually popular works, which have had millionsof readers, and the Bales of their vast editions enriched an army of book agenta. ïhat this history of Sherman, the last of'tha great generale, will mirpass all others iu popularity is nut 10 le doubted. The btory of this great general'scareer is of a marvel lous m arch from themountains of time to the sea of eternity. Of the three great war héroes, Sherman was by far the raot iuterebting personality. He was the best known to the puulic and the best loved for his genial disiiosition and warm syuipathy with the popular heart. He has joined his illustrious coidpeers in the eternal bivouac of the dead. His is a life to study - to emulate - and is a profaund inspiration. The forthcoming volume will teil the whole story of his marvelluus career, anu from the authorship engased upon it, we are assured it will be told in a way that will enthral the attention and interest of every reader irom first to last. It is a book every American will want aud one every American youth should read. It will doubtless be the best life of the great. chieftain published, and we predict for it wonderful popularity.


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Ann Arbor Register