STA BLES " Work horses !n the c!ty are worth thret times as mucli as country horses because we l'lankct thera in tlie stable." FREE-Get from your dealer free, the 5k Book. It has handsome pictures anc vahiable information about horses. Two or three dollars for a 5k Horso Blanket will make your horse worth more and eat less to keep warm. 5A Five Mile ,. . . 5A Boss Stable Ask for 5A Electric 5A Extra Test 30 other styles at prices to suit every body. If you can't get them from your dealer, write us. ' BLANKETS &RE THE STRONGEST. NONE GENUINE WITHOUT TH E 5'A LABEL Manuf'd by WK. Atkes & Som, ('hilada . wh make the faaions Horse Brard llaker Bla Clock's Cottoa Root ■ Wmjj) OOMPOUND lir fll(r'llltis"'1 "' ('"tto" Root. Tansy and Xy yI cnayroyal- a recent discovery by an fcjold physlcian. Is mccessfuUy used WHtó, EffectuaL Price $1, by mail &, B'n' ask ySur dru?Bist for Cook's totton Root Compound and tato no substituto or inolose 2 stamp for sealed partioulari Ad' m 7;Mitchell's Kidney Piasters js J Absoib all diseasc in thuKidneys and f{ f restore thom to a hoalthy condition. 1 1 )0[ Oid chronic kidney eiiffcrcrs say (1 they got no relief nntil ■ i "! 1 mitciiei.i.'S kii)n::v plastk1ïs. SoldbyDrnjwTfltscvprywhere, orsentbymaí: r Novelly Piastor AVorkn, I.awell. Mn II YOU WISH To Advertise Anything Anywhere ATAny time WRITE TO Geo. P. Rowell & Cc. No. io Spruce Stree NEW YORK. irar MU g ' SCROFULA EMULSIÓN SSScSü CUnCO Watóng Dise-sss Wonderful Fiesh Producer. Many Jiavo gained one pound per day by its use. Scott's Emulsión is not a secret remedy. It contains the Btimulating properties of the Hypophosphites and pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, the potency of both being largely increased. It is used by Physiciañs all over the world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sohl bij all Dntggiste. SCOTT &. EOWI1E, Chomlsts. N.Y i i s'-d-". nul i colchest; ü :.;:.i.:':: ca. ï nelr pnor "i'h . i . , ■ -Ju UU W Ut fJiH tlppl n the Coichorrr ADHESÍVE COÜMTER&." FOR SALE BY Wm.Allaby, Johu Bnrjr, DolyAJFelner, Ii. Ornner, W. Rrlnbardt A Co., A. I. Seyler Son. A ; ARBOR. MAlTorWOMAN Phoul carry some Lite Insurance and N OPTIOÜ POUCT, as iiow issued by the National Life Ins. Co.. ;OF VERMOM. Providts for any emergenoy that can srise. t; can be paid for inflve. ten, or twenly years an contains the followlne guarantee FIRST- Apald up policy after three yean which amount is wrltten on the face of the SECOSil- Itguarantees yonan annual Casi Valué, or if the insured needa, or desires to ral money, the Company wil] loan on this policy and still keep the policy in force. This is a great ad vantage to a person who may need money in business or to protect credit. THIRD- It gnarautees extended .insuranc tor tne full amount of insurance, for so long time as the cash value will pay for il. This is a valuable option to many who mai (hrmigh physlcal.or riuanclal misfortune desirê their policy carried. In fact this Policv fyotectj aijift jiiBffity In Business, and also makes an absolute provit ion in case of death, for wife, children or credit ora Kemember this Policy is ONLY written bv the National Life Inauiance Company of Montpeller, 6EOB6E w. MIJLEN, Special Agent, 1 llninlllon BIock, ANN ARBOR. MICH. Insurance, hú istate ná lm Agencj OF HAMILTON & GREEN. OFFICES: No. 1 & 2 Hamüton Bl'k, FIKST II.OOR. Paules desiring to buy or sell Real Estalt wiil find It to their advantage to cali on ns. We rerreeem the following firstclass Fire Insurance aVln a" ag8re?fUe C8Ptaiof vei Thv Urnuil Raplu ■. , .ns.Co., Tho Millo J Hl-liKrx in. Co., iusnr only iMclliiiicH . The Uermnn Flrc Ins. Co., The People's Fire Ins. Co., Th Cltlzens'Flre Ins. Co., Tne WestrheNter Flre Ins. Co., The MJIwnnkee Itfrchnnic's Flre In Co., The ïew llainpsliirc Fire In. Co., The Morlhwestern Flre Ins. Co. untes Lo Loene liberall; adjusted ui pü promptly . We also inane Life and investment Pollcie In the Conn, Mutual Life Insurance Company. Asets 55,(XJO,000. f ersons desiring Accident lnani. nce, can have yearly Folíeles wrltten for them oi Travoler's Coupon Insurance TlckeU lsroed at Low Katcs in the Standard Accident Insurance Compsi) oi Detroit, Mich. Money to Loaa at Curre. Race Office houra from 8 a. m. to 12 m. nd " (r m. llmnilton A Oreen. And the b=r: lamo ËlMUlwhïUW ever made, like Alaa""TESBBP - -3 din'sofold, a "wonvfe I derfu] lamp!" A lamp CjiSb jEHHB 3& abolutety nonY(@ L 9 ftï vxplo&lie and miWBMftpaeg . ,' y breakablo, which pivcsa cli'ar, soft) rWtllïWwBKmBBSSk brilliant white light $SnBpj3&G@P of 85 caruile pnivtr! ïjWBiRffSBp Purer and brighter ''VOf than gas light, softer ""'%, than electric light, '"' í'H more cheerful than eitherl That lamp is HfVlBfljST1"7 "The Rochester." Ko Smoke, XoSmeV, No Brokrn Citimneys. Only flve years oíd. ñDÚ over two inïllïnnt ïd nse ir must he a gooi! bmpto mak inob n tUInKsncceu. IndotMjit Is, iur Ijnnps niaycoT:i laxDpi Miay po, hut t'io Rochastw" shiiips oc rl Over ',000 ariÏHiic varict ir i l.'iTiüinjï snd Table Lamps, Banquet and Btudy ind Plano i amps- verj kiml. ii Bronse, lu reelat n, Braas, Nickel and liluok Wroutiht Iron. A -k ilie lamp dealer for it. Look ï-rthe trial mark stamp; "Tuk BoCHEHTKB," Ii h'hasu't thf cr'iiiiíiif Rochester and tin1 Btyla fou waot, or I f tticre Is no lamp-store near, tond to ua direcï for Tree l'lustrated catalogue ( tnd i iduoed price Hst), and we wHl box and ind jwu nny amp suïely by exprasm, rilitto your door. ItOCHESTER KAMP CO., Vi Park Place, New Vork. Mtinufnrturerfi, mui pote 0ants ofRoctw trr PcUmt GOLD MEDAL, PAEIS, 1878. Ï. Baker & Co;s tBreakfast Cocoa ironi which the excess of oil luis been removed, ís Absoliitely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore f ar more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicioua, nourishing, strengtheuing, kasily pioested, and admirably adapted for invalids as woll as for persons in health. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. V B I f ■■■■'■■■■■■' mul and writa, and who, ■ %B1 llB '■, ■■ ■, ■■.,.■. ..., hidoMitoulv, UrllUv Vi., h ' i Ti.miH.nd Mlusa W la ttir-ir mi lotlhieK.u vrtby llve.1 will n]ofurnMi hp !'naiiniíiríiiiil.n mi lii h ytm uu ■nm (bal ftmount. ,, fa ■'■ iinlm mi i ■ lui h"f. l.iwU ml fji.i, kly ■aiin-.t. t 4rin but 11 i oifcfi from eacb dUlrirl iitwunty. 'l iatr nlr.-iiily 'suichl kim) pruvldvd witti -id1 i ■.:- n r a Ihi e unulMr, nhin dm kin fi f :í(íkí ftarcli It'sBI ll' iel HO 1,1 l. Full (■.'■'■ PREE. AWr t ooc, K. . Al l,i:. Box 4Ü4N Ai'Kiitu, Jnim-. OffiOOrt.OO iTi-ir U ítur TiiniTo by Jofefl R. OoodwioJroj.W ,m roí "■ m, lieador, mob ycm qnlckl] hOH lorani drom SS to flO ii du at ihe'etart, mul BMra you E uu. H"t'h sf-irii, all UH, I" anv part f Imtriw. "ii au eoninieiic m bom, Rirtitt ali vour tiiiit-.iT iarf inomenta only to theworit. All knw, i.i.nt jy Sl'KK ftw ,„n worttar. V e narl vou, fUintalitaa BverVthinc t ASII V, 11 I.MI.V kameel liri l l ;i8 1 KKK. A ■lilr.'iiatonc'. - ■ -u '-. II IíIUM. MAlMt.
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Ann Arbor Register