Church Notes
Rev. A. S.. Ca' uian, pastor. ■-INDAY, March 8. 1U:3O A. M. - l'reachine by pastor. 1 2:00 m - Sondar Kchool. :30 p. m. - Yoong People's Meeting. 7:30 r. M. - Preachiog service. Mondat, March 9, 7 r. M. and eacb evening of the week, special religión services. Rev. John C. Carmao, of Zanesville, O., will speak and sing. Services each afternoon, except Monday, al -1 o'clock. WbdnbSday, 7:30 P. u. Prayer meeting. Pastor at home 71 E. Washington-st, Saturday af'ernoons troru 3 to 5:30. ('lniri'li. Sunday, March 8, 10:30 a.m. - Preaching by the pastor. !L':00 M.- ■ Sunday School. 7:30 i', m. Stereopticon exhibition of views in CYylon before the Young People's Missionary Society." Fbiday, March (i, 7:00 p, m. - Service for young people. All are invited. Diaeiples' tlmrcii. March 8, the regular social meeting will be held at 10:80 a. m., in the parlors of the new chttfch on South Úniversitv avenue. Germán Kvawceiical lïellilcliiin Churrll. Sunday, March S, 10:30 a. m. - Preaching service by the pastor. 12:00 m.- Sunday School. 7:30 P. m. - Lent service. 3:00 P. m. - Germán services at the County house by the pastor. Wedxesday, March 11, 7:30 p. K. - Prayei meeting. (eriiian i.iiHk rui :iu"s luircli. Sunday, March 3, 10:30 a. m. - Preaching service by the pastor. 12:00 m.- Sunday School. 7 :15 i'. m. - Preachiug. Thursday, 7:30 p. m.- Lent services. . rulan 'Iclli idivS Episcopal t'liurch. Sunday March 8. ü:H0 a. m. - .Sunday school.' 10:30 a. m.- Preaching. Wednesday, March 11, 7:30 i. vu - Prayer meeting. .UellKMllNt l:Kcoii:iI ('linrvli. Rev. R. H. Rust.D. D.. Pastor. Sr.vDAY, March 8, 10:30 a. m.- Preaching by Rev. Dr. Bashford, President of the Ohio Wesleyan University. 12:00 m.- Sundav school. 6:30 P. m. - Young People's meeting. A cordial welcome to all. 7:30 i'. m ., - Dr. Bashford will deliver ihethird lecture before the Wesleyan Guild. A cordial welcome to all. l'reNbyteriaii Churcli. Sunday, March 8, 10:30 a. M.-Communion. 12:00 M. - Sunday School. 7:30 i". m.- "Phaedo," on "the dying words of Sócrates." Anrtrcw's CAhhw. Rev. Henry ïatlock, rector; Rev. W. O. Waters, assistant. Sunday, March 8, 8:00 a. m.- Hol y Communion. 10:30 a. m. - Moming prayer and sermon. 12:00 m. -Sunday school and Prof. Scott's bible lass. 3:00 P. m. - Evening service and sermon at Geddes. Sunday school at Fosters. 7:30 p. m. - Evening Service and Sermon. Monday, March 9, 7:30. - Coniirmation lecture in the chapel. Tuesday, March 10, 4 :00 p. m.- Kvening Prayer. Wedxksday, March 11, 7:30 r. M. - Evening prayer and address. Thubbday, March 12, 4:00 r. m. - Eveniiiir prayer. Fp.iday, March 13, 4:00 p. . - Iitany and address. 7:30 p. m. - Coniirmation Lecture. Satokday, March 14,4:00 p. m., - Evening prayer. ü iiilarimi Cliureli. Rev. J. ï. Sunderland, minister. Sunday, March 8, 10:30 a. m. - Morning service. First sermón of a series on Prophecy. Subject: "Does the Old Testament contain Miraculous Prediction of Jesus Christ? The Real Character of Israel'sMessianic Hope." 12:00 m.- Student's Bible Class. Subject: "David, Solomon, the Books of Kings and Chronicles." 2 to G p. m.- Eeading room is open. 7:30 p. m. - Evening service. Subject: "Williatn Gullen Bryant." Mondat, March 9, 8:00 p. m.- Unity Club. Paper on "The Ober-Ammergau Passion Play" by Miss Jennie Bement. Paper by Prof. J. G. Pattengiü. A Trican M. E. Cknrcli. Rev. Mr. Cottman pastor. Sunday, March 8, 10:30 a. m.- Preaching. 2:00 i'. M.- Sunday School. 7:30 p" m. - Preaching. A cordial invitation is extended toall.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register