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WHO SIIAI.I. IJK II T!R? Every Kuiu4Wbu Itrslcaate IlisCIioIoc. in order to excite interest in Üie approaching 'ily eloction Tuk Register introduces a novel feature. The office of mayor is the most important one in the city. It should be filled by one who is the deliberative choiee of the peop'.e. In order to find out who this person is, The Register invites every man or wonian in this city, whether lie be a democrat a repablican orprohibitionist, to write his choice on the cnupon which is printed below, and send it to The Register FOR MAYOR OF IsTlSr ARBOR MY CHOICE IS Wrtt DüMncUy (me Xame Onhj. ) The Ballot uill close at Night, March 1Oth, and the Result will be announced in The Rboistbk of March ]2lh. ADDRESS iDITOR MAYOB'S BALLOf, THE ANN A.RBOR REGISTER. N. B. - The name of the voter will not be required. Dr. Frlltls, Formerly of New York City, now sanjeon of the Fruth Medical and Surgical Institute of Chicago, in order to offer tliote afllicted with chronicailments the most skillful medical and surgiml services, bas associated with hioiBetf several eminent physicians and gargeonx, eavh of wliorn will have hisspedalty nul confine himself to that alone. In txanaination of patiënte, the Doctor uses many improved instrumente, which greatly assist him in detecting the int ure and extent of many diseases which are not ;enerally treated" by physicians in common practice, who are seldom pre)ared with the necessary costly outfit to examine correctly or heal with succcss. He therefore gladly surrenders thein to some one who makes it a specialty. Dr. Fruth, at the Cook House, Ann Arbor, on Thursday, March 12, 1891. CITY NOTICES. The board of directors of the Ladies' Library Association requests all persons holding books to return the same to the library on or before Saturday, March 14, 1391. Ice Creams and ice .ei ved to tamili in 1, '2, 3 or 4 qt bricks. Hangsterfer. tt Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria. Each member of the Choral Union must hand in the muaic after the rehearsal on Tuesday evening, March 10, that it may be properly distributed at the concert. W.m. H. Dokrance. 45 Assistant Librarían. Gibson, the photographer, is makiug this week in the Sager block on State-st a magnificent display of photographic and crayon work. Kverybody is cordially invited to cali. Open afternoons. 45 Happy and content is a home with"The Rochester;" a lamp with the light of the morning. For catalogue, write Rochester Latnp Co. New York. Go to Gruber's Post-offïce news stand for confectionery, stationery and standard neriodicals. tf Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria. Buy 1 lb. of candy and guess at weight of large stick free at Hangsterfer's, :;-.'tf A personal property auction sale will be held on Marcli 7, in the afternoon,at Wai. Burnett'p, Webster. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria lees. Orange, lemon, strawberry, rspberry, pine apple, Roman punch. tf E. V. Hanqsterfer. !■ roiiii. Vanilla, chocolate, cofl'ee, pistachio, strawberry, macaroon, tutifruitti.bisque, nonquat. All Sunday orders should be given the day previous. tf E. V. Haxgsterfer. fliotograitic Outfit for Sale. I have a fine new photographic outfit, consisting of Rochester Optical Co. 5x8 camera; one Darlot imported lens; one Packard pneumatic shutter; one patent extensson tripod; six doublé dry plate holders; one printing frame; also focusing cloth and carrying case. The outfit is new and cost $50. Will sell for $2ii cash. Sample photo made with this camera will be sent on application. Address T. A. De Weesk, Editor "Beacon," 47 Aurora, Illinois. Complete! to Deiulwood. The Burlington Route, C, B. &Q.K.R. from Chicago, Peoría and St. Louis, is now completed, and daily passenger1 trains are running through Lincoln, Neb., and Custer, S. D., to Dead wood. Also to Newcastle, Wyoming. Sleeping cars to Deadwood. 4G


Old News
Ann Arbor Register