USE DR. C RAIG'S ORIGINAL Kidney and Liver Cure Crown Piasters and Pilis. They are the only Safe Remedies to use for those afBicted wlth Brlght's Disease, Uver Complaint and ürinary AffectioDS. Only those prepared in the dry form are the Original aml the Only Kidney and Liver Cure that wlll restore yon to perfect health ALL LADIES TSE C. B. R. A SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. The Craig Medicine Ce, PASSAIC, IST. J. 150 POSES ONE DOLLAR. -THEMEHLIN - S.r it! Trj II! Ruy il! r' ALLMENDINGKR PIANO & ORGAN 00., ' (mcral Ayrnts (■ 6 . (1 O 6 O ( f. O (. -::- ::■ ::■ - The Mehlin Piano - Jlanufactured by a Company whose Capital is $S00,OO0.O0. ALLMENDINGER PIANO &ORGANCO. General Agenta. " ♦ 5 -YOI ARE IN SALINE,1- get a POüND o f A. M. HUMPHREY'S 2 8c COFFEE! INFORMATION! WASTED. the ftddr.fs of persons suffering with any form. Neuralgia or Lumbago. 1 will. without chame, direct those aíllicted to a sure and permanent cure. 1 have nothing to sell, hut give information what to uso that cu red myself and friends aftcr all other means had failed. 45 Address Frank W. Parkhurst, Fraternity and Fine Art Publisher, Lock Box 1501, Boston, ilass.
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