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Schairer & Millen

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Grand INAUGURAL Sale OF; NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS NEW WASH GOODS! The greatest number of pieces. The Latest and most Exclusive Styles. The most Superb line of Shades ever offered by any house in this City New, Neat and Pretty Styles. BLACK DRESS GOODS! A close, fine Serge at 50 cents, worth 75c per yard. A fine 46-in. Serge at 75 cents, worth $1.00 " Fancy Stripes, in Blacks, at 50 cents, worth 75 " Black, silk-warp llenriettas, at $1.00, worth 1.25 " Black, silk-warp 46 in. Henriettas, at $1.00, worth.... 1.25 " 40-in. Black Mohair Brilliantines, at 40 cents a yard. 46-in. Pure Blapk Mohairs, at 50 cents, worth 75 " Extra Fine, 40-in. all wool Henriettas, at 50 cents a yard. Beautiful quality 46-in. Black Henriettas, at 76 cents. Then comes about 200 pieces Fine Imported Dress (ioods, Choice of the Lot, 50 cents a yard! Consisting of Spring Serges, Henriettas, silk and wool Plaids, Homespuns, Boucle Plaids, Scotch Plaids, black and white Plaids and Checks, American Wool Novelties, and man y styles worth 75c, all 50c a yard. Spring - Wash - Goods! This will be the greatest Gingham Season ever known. The styles are very pretty and the Prices are so Low, starting at 8 and 10c a yard. Then comes the FineZephyrs, at 12]c a yard, and the Scotch Ginghams- wonders of beauty - at 25c a yard. With this lot of Wash Goods, we place on sale 50 pieces of the celebrated DRAGON F AST BLACK plain and plaid LAWS, at 10c, 12; c, 15c to 25c a yard. The only make of Fast Black Lawns worth buyins;. 25 pieces Plaid and Check WHITE MUSLINS, at (ie a yard. 2 cases pretty new CHALLIES, for 5c a yard. 50 pieces new INDIGO BLUE PRINTS, at 5c a yard. Ahvays the ('heapest. Leaders oí' Low Priees.


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