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BUSINESS CARDS. p1, R. WILLIAMS, Attorney at, Hilan, Mich. Money loaned for outside parties. All le;'al usiness given prompt attention. t LEX W. BAMILTOU Attortot La. racücc Ín both State and ütitc ! jruits. OSlce Rooms, onc and two. lie new block. corner of Hurón and Fmirtli jtreets, Ann Arbor, Michigan. TRUCK AND ST0RAGE. 'nw we are ready with a NewBrick Storchouse oí the storagc of Households, Pianos, Boolfs and itoves Pianos and Furniture earefully moved. All kindsof Heavy and Light draying. í RMG Hl WORK. Residence and Office, 46 N. Fourth Street. Telcphone 83. WM. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL PAELORS over Saving8 Bank opposite Oourt House Square. Teeth exlracted without pain by use of Gasor Vitalizel Air. " WM. BIGGS. Contractor and BuilcUr, 4nI all felnds of worlt in connecílon illi I lio aixiyc nromptly execntil. Shop Cer. of Church-st and S. University ave. Telephone 9 : P. O. Box 1248. 32 E. HURÓN STREET ís a good place toget repairs done by skillful mechanics such as Carusatering. Furniture, Gasolioe Stoves BICYCLES, SAWS FILED, etc. Also a full line of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS New and Second Hand. It is the place to get a good bargai n. J. S. MANN, Proprietor. C. H. MILLEN'S INSURANCE BUREAU fío. 67 E. Hurón st., Ann Arbor. o Oldent ageney in the city. Established nearly half a century, and representing over fifty million of assests. Home Ins. Co.,of N. Y 8,931,160 Continental 5,217,7,4 Vianara 2,490,654 ";iragrd,ofa 1.482,899 Oriental, of Hartford-... - 1.805,663 commercial Union Ins. Co., of London..l3,GS9,2r Liverpool, London & Globe Ins. Co 18,786,094 Loses Liberally Adjusted and Promptly Paid. O. H. MILLEN. Henry Richards, Dealer in all kinds of HARD WOOD, LUMBBR, FENOB POSTS, MAPLE PLOORINÖ, etc, also And all kinds of Firewood. Prices as Low as Anv Dealer in the Citv, AGENT FOR THE 3BAÏFIDK BINDERS AND UOWERS, No. 9 Detroit St., Ann Arbor, IHlch. LUMBER ! LUMBER! LUMBER ! you contémplate building calí at PERDÓN LUMBER TARD Corner Pourth and Depot Sts., ar d set our figures for all kinds of LUMBEE We manufacture our own Lumbf i and 7uarantee VERY LOW PRICES. - i ve as a cali nnd we wlll mak ■ 1 1 co your Interest, as our larff e and w-i ) Kraded Kloek fnlly niisIuIiih our n . lon. JAHEM TOI.KEKT. Pri. T. J. RKEOH, Snpl. KINSEÏ & S5&B0LT, 3STOS. 6 A.XSTI3 8 Washington Street, Ann Arbo , Michigan. flaye aWays on hand a complete Stock of eveí} thirmintbe eROCËRY LINE! Teas, Coffees and Sugars AU prime Articles bought for Cash and cansell at low figures. Our frequent large invoiees of Teas is a sure sign that we give bargains in QUALITY AND PRIOE. We roast our own coffees every week, always ireeh and good. Our bakery turas out the very ast of Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and beeeeei POBTRAITS ! TF YOL' WI3H A POJlTltAIT FROM UFE JL Free Hand fromPhotograpb,or&ny Permanent' Enlarcement, place your order at Cole's Studio. Samples of wnose work are to he found in the homes of Mrs. Duuster, Mrs. '. 8. Morris, Prof. A. Winchell, Mr. O. M. Martin, and many others. Address COLE'S STUDIO, ,T40w8 :1 Wooilward ave.. Detroit. .isriT .ARilBOIR, FRUIT-:-FARM! PEARS AND GUAPES A 8PECIALTY. All kinds of Fruit and Ornamenlal Trees ani Flowcrs, fr.'in EllwangKB & BiRRY. Oider Early by M:iü. Syrups, Medicinal Wiues, Raspberry Syrapa, Boneset, Damkllon and Othcr Domesttc Grape Wiiies, (-rei.are1 ospeeially for InvaluK S-Pure Plymouth Rock Efigs. E MIL BAUR, W. Hi;ron-St. -HANGSTERFERCATEBBB. X HASIIIVVI'O.V STREET, Frst duor east oí Main-st. ICE CREAM SODA, 5 CENTS. The finest Confectionary in the City, 50c per tt. 1HE FIGUKE "O." The figure 9 in our dates wil] raako a long rtcj No man or woraan now living will over date : 3 ocuraent without UBkag the figuro 9. It standf in the third placn in 1890. where it will remain tel years and thon movo up to second place in 1900 where it will rest for one hundred yeofs. There ir another V which has also come to It is unïike the figuro 9 in our dates in the re. ■ that it has already inovt'd up to first place, v. hvn H will perraancntly remata. It is callod U ■ 9" High Arm VVboeler & Witoon Bewing Mao] The 'lo. 9"' was endorsed for first place b;. : ;■ experts of Europa ut the Paris Exposilion of l&i) where, after a severecontest with the leading rüi chines of the world, it was awardtxl the Grand Prize given to fatuily sewing machine others ca exhibit liaving reoeived lower awurdi of gold medals, etc. The French Governiiicnr also its superiority by thed?coration oí Mr. ÏTathanielWheelêr, President of the compi y ' with the Cross of tlie Legión oí Honor. The "Ho. 9" is not an old machine imiro .i upon, but is an entirely rn-v machino, and ilie Grand Prize at Paris was awarded it as the grand estadvance tn suwinj; machine mechanism of I :. u age. Those who buy it can rest assured, there fore, of having the very latest and best. WHEELER & WILSON JTFG Ott, 185 and 1S7 Wabash Ave., Chicago Sold by M. STABLER, 11 W. WltHlllllKtOII-Nt. N. W, AVER SON. our uut ..■. wmw mW AAGENCYiorL ■ A paraphlet of iniormation and m V stract ui the laws, ahowiriK How toflT flObtain Patenta, Careuts, TradeEh. 'J' 'BMurks, CopyriKhts, smt irttyMÊKm 1361 Bniniinay.aj WB L. DOUCLAS t k aj t t an'1 otl"'r sPecaIPw ■''■" Ladlet.eto.rewarranted, aml soslamped onlxiUoiii. Addresa W. .. DOUULiAHi llroekion, Mus. SoldbJ mm. KKINIIARItT vt CO. KREMEMBER MM lIncK IS THE NAME OF THAT HM Wonderful Remedy That Cures CATARRH, HAY-FEVER, GOLD in the HEAD, SORE THROAT, CANKER, and BRONCHITIS. ftïco 1.00. Pint Bottles For Sale by leac'ing Druggists. rREPARED ONLY BY Klinck Catarrh & Bronchial Remedy Co. 82 JACKSON ST., CHICAGO, ILL.


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Ann Arbor Register