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Nothing Else equals Ayer's Pilis for stimulating a torpid liver, strengthening digestión, and regulating the action oL the bowels. They cont4n no calomel, nor any other injurious drug, but ate composed ol the active principies of the best vegetable cathartics. " I was a sufferer for years from dyspepsia and liver troubles, and found no permanent relief until I commenced taking Ayer's Pilis. They have cffected a complete cure."- Oeorge Mooney, Walla Walla, W. T. "Wnenever I am troubled with constipation, or suffer from loss of appetite, Ayer's PiUssetme right again." - A. J. Kiser, Jr., Eock House, Va. "For the cure of headache, Ayer's Cathartic Pilis are the most effective medicine I ever used."- E. K. James, Dorchester, Mass. "Two boxes of Ayer's Pilis cured me of severe headache, from which I was long'a sufferer.'- Emma Keyes, Hubbardston, Conn. Ayer's Pilis, PREPAEED BY DB. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Dealers in Medicines. Delicious Minee Pie in 20 Minutes ANY TIME OF THE TEAB. DOUGHERTY'S NEW ENGLAND MINCE MEAT. In paper boxes; enougii for two large pies. Alwaya ready; casi' prej CLEAN, WHOLESOME, GöNïENiEsï, SOLD BY ACL CROCERS, BRADFIELDREGUlATORjyTLANTAgA SOLDBY C. E. EBEBBACH. TAROID THE GREAT HOUSEHOLD REMEDY FOR PII-ES Salt Rheum, Eczema, Wounds, Burns, Sores, Croup, Bronchitis, Etc, PRICE 5O CENTS. Send three two-ceat stamps for free sample box and book. tarWsóap, ABSOLUTELY PURE, FOR MEDICINAL, TOILET. BATH AND NURSERY PURPOSES. TAR-OID CO. Chicago, I1L TQiP'hf &TRZNQTHENINQ PLASTES EVER IHVEFfTHX L5? Thls trade-mark will be found on all genoino Roods. Look for it when you huy. Don't be fooled. Thcre Is no othcr piaster or externa! remedy liko tho nop Tlaater, either in compositiOQ, quickness of action or reliabllity. They give instant relief and permanent cure for evcry troublesome pain. soroness, acho ar weaknost in any part of the body. r.icd in thouaands of homes always with absolute eontidence and succes3. Sold by reliable medicine loa!crs everywhere. Sent iiy inail on reccipt of prics. 25 ota.; 5 for $1.0.0. HOP PLASTER CO., PROP'S, BOSTON. ■ THE CREAT Germán RemedyJ IBTRUTHSF0RTHE8ICK. nilious Spollsdepena for a case wlicre fSi: II onSULPnUEBlTTEBS PIIUK BlTTEIt.S willlll it will cure you. notassist or cure. It ra ï. ..iir, i,TOt"la' pi IthatUrcaandallgonr cicansethc viti:itcdf (eellDg; if so, use Mo0lx wncn yoll sec II SüLFIlUU BlTTEKS ; ita impuritles biirst-l I it will euro you. iup tlirough the skin II !!!!r!!ïrTrnT inriinpli:8,Blotches,III cloielv conliueí L. l Iic'y onl" E3thc niïlls f i nd work iOUWUK Bitters.M Ijlnot procure suíTlcieut ■III IJlexcrcisc.aiidiillwlio si ISittersI I ■liare conlineu in doora, :.i . „ T ivf.rrom. Illsbould uae BVunsai , t p m't he dis II Itt Bitters. They will „...i.'-cd Uwmcurcli g not then bc weak and j""'. ' cim Ijl lf 'vmi .1.. n..t wish M i rm H IirrrERs I Itosuïcrfrom wl1' t"111'1 J"u "Dandi I atism, use a bottte of ".ikp jou etrongandl I III Scliiiuk Bitters ; hcalthy. II IJitiicverfallstOfure. BüLPHOB l!rrTEKsjl Q Don't be without n willmaki-yoiirWoodSS __bottle. Try it; you pure, rioh and strong.&S will not rorrot it. md jronr ilesh hard. IHTádíer'Tímrücáte "isTLpiTruiTiii lllhealih, iio are all nSJS t ( - uiLrtit . andlll lllrundown.Khoiild use you will sleep welllll j i . . i III Do you want tlie best Medien I Work puMMMar Send "3 2-oent stnmp.s to A. 1' Oriuvav &, Co Boston, Mass., and reci'ive u nopy, free.


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