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"How fat Fd get if I had one." FREE- Get from your dealer free, the Ya Book. lt lias handsonie pictures and valuable information about liorses. Two or three dollars for a 5a Horse Blanket will make your horse worth more and eat less to keep warm. 5A Five Mile , . , 5A Boss Stable Ask for 5A Electric 5A Extra Test 30 other styles at prices to suit everybody. If yon can't get tliem from your dealer, write ns. BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. NONEOENUINEWITHOUrTHE S' I'B'1 Manuf'd by Wlf. tnake the famom Horse Unir 1 li-ii '■■ ' ■ ■ ■ d's !Pl-i.os:p".ta.ocL:n.e-.. E GRKATE;i.sil RBMBDY. .r:u rearó - -j. of Youtbful rilly htl and tho exctïsi-i11; Hlly. Siajl r( later yonrs. l to ourt' all . jjm iJ .;ir,.s', i.sofNervous WTnJ strrnijth aítdrío ...■■- . 1 r n t ■ AukAj iip, Askdriu i.okagc.Sl; slx, $&. by mail. Wrlto for pami.iilir. AU.lress Thr; Wond Chemical Co., 131 - aodwari iva., Detroit, Mlcli. $& Mitchell'sKidney Piasters í ■ -J Absorb all disease in theKidncys and 'y f restore thcm to a hcalthy condition. 0 Oíd chronio kidncy euffcrcr3 s.ij I f' they got no relief un:;l thcy I -1 mitciiem.'s kid:.:v ■ 1"i,.sti:i!s. SoldbyDraRglstseveiywhere, or sent by malí fnr :k Noveltr Plmltor Work. T.owell. BraiwIf YOU WISH To Advertise Anything Anywhere ATAny time WRITE TO Geo. P. Rowell & Co. No. i o Spruce Stree NEW YORK. If You Have CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, SCROFULA, COUCH or COLD, THROAT AFFECTION, WASTINCof FLESH, Or u n if Disease ivhew flkfl Throat and fiMMf are injtnmvil, hack of Sirength or Xferve Power, yon can velteved antl Cured by SCOTT'S EMULSIÓN OF PURECODLIVEROiL With Hypophosphites. Palatable as Milk. Aali for Scotl's Inmisión, a mi ht no i rtíiiiinl im or soliritittioié imhtee yttu to accept a suhstitutf. Sold by all Druggista. SCOTT & BOWRE, Chemists, H. Y, W4LH í2rYlY K Rubber 8hoe nnlma woni nnfniiifurralily ttBht Mil y slip off thü f.-t't HE -COLCHEST'.li I í 'fïBFlt C9. i-e all thelr hís wíth tn'it' irf h'i Ifned with ihhir. Thís clin 's t thü utal i,n-.vuitt tb .■ ,.-r Vrita slippiott oíl Cali mr the Vntcnttt 'ADHESIViP. COCNTFRS," FOR SALE BY Win. Allaby, John Bu m, Doty A; Felner, I.. Oraner, W. Kelntaardt ét Co., A. I. Seyler ét Son. A. ABBOB. MANotWOMAN Shoul carry aome Life Insurance and AS OPTIUN POI-ICT, as now lssuc-d by the National Life Ins. Co., OF VERMOMT. Provides for any emergency Ibat canarise " can be paid for InflTCten, or twenty years au cont&ins the followlng guarantee: ,„hlPHTA Paid up Plicy arter three yean which amount is written on the face of the policy. SECOSID- ItgTiarantees youan Annüal Casi valué, or If the insured needs, or desires to rat mnney, the Company will loan on this policy, ancj till keep the policy in foree. This is a great ad vantage to a pereon who may need inoneyln business or to protect credit. THIRD-It guarantees extended insurancs for the full amount of Insurance, for so long j time as the cash value wlll pay for it. This is a valuable option to manv who maj through physical, or flnancial misfortune desire their policy carried. In fact this Policy MtectÊ ftaijift dVerïty In Business, and also makes an absolute provl ion in case of death, for wife, children or credit ore Remember this Policy is ONLY written by the i.ational Life Insuiance Company of Montpelier, .KOIM.K w. MU,tx, Nperlal Agent, 1 Haiiilllon Block, ANN ARBOR. MICH. Insurance, fieal Sstats and Loan Aencj OF HAMILTON & GREEN. OFFICES: No. 1 & 2 Hamilton Bl'k, FIRST KI, OOK. Parties desiring to buy or sell Real Estaw wiil fina It to thelr advantaee to cali on ns. We represent tho followlng firstclass Fire Insurance Companics, having an aggregate capital of ever 58,000 ,000 Tln (Jrtinil Kh)Ii-. ". . n. ( ,., Tbe Olllo iiiniicrs ui. ., I nou r! only iIh clIliiKH . Tho Jiriniiii l'lre In. Co., The People's Flre Ins. Co., The 1'itlzenN'Flre In. Co., The Westclientcr Flre In, .. The Mllwaukee Wrt'haiiic's Fire In Co., The BTew lliiiiipslil re Flre In. Co., The Norlhwesteru Flre Ins. Co. Katos Low. Loases liberally adjustedand pal promptly . Wealiolwne Life and Investment Policles In the Conn, Mutual Life Insurance Company. As■ets 155,000,000. Persons deslring Accident lnmranee, can have yearly Pollcles written for them or Traveler's Coupon Insurance Ticket lasned kt Low Bates In the Standard Accident Inauraace Compan-i of Detroit, Mich. Money to Loas at Curreni Rate. Office hours from 8 a. k. to 12 M. and Hiiry Hnniillon de Green. ever rrade. likc Aladff 1 EJMT? din'sofold, a "won.1 . derful lamp!" A lamp Cï?ï?i j -_- 'rti aliMoluirly nonY@J -V mf exploNlve and unWÏV.; v.ïX? PZ? brea ka ble, which VtT""' 'SrfV' rivea a rlcar, non, farilliant ïvliitc light y!fflP of 8 5 cutidle power! Bw Purcr and brighter í&í than gas light, softer jjiáffgr than electric light, ytftew. more cheerful than BFtöfffS. eitherl That lan,p is 0600? "The Rochester." NoSmoicet No Smelt. No Iirohcn Chimneys. Only live yeara old, an.J over Ino niilliinm Irt use. It must bo. n uouil l.unp to nmkc laoh I tnVBoeoeH. JnütH'd it i-, for lamp mayoomi l;uu).s inuy ro, but tiio RoohAstflr " atunes on fo rever 1 Over .(MIÍ nrÜHiir llimjiiiik' mul Tatiie Lampa, Bmsqaet umi Btudy, and Piano rmps- everj kimt, in Hi Poroelatn, Bras, Nickel nnd Black Wnmuht Iron. A-k the lamp dealer fur tt. Lnnk for the trmda mark itamp: "Tut: BÓCB MTl ft." ] i li li tho tfcnuiiM' Rochesier and tho stylo you want. orU tbere n no lamp-stort oear, und toui direct for freo Ulustrated oatalomia (and redneed prlcelist, and vru will box and ieod y.u uuy lu:up aaluly by xpreat, rijebt ii your door. BOCHBSTEIt KAMP (O., 4'i l'ark Place, New York, Manufitciurm, and unrs n f Jtnchfutrr Patent :■;■ ' ' ■■■ ff' '" - " ■ IS'orhl. GOLD MEDAL, PAUIS, 1378. Ï. Baker & Co.'s Breakfast Cocoa from which tho excess of oil has been removed, i Absolutély JPtire and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more económica!, costing less than one cent a cip. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and ad.mirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Grocers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. AAAñA A YKAR! I urxlcrtnke to briflr V J 11 11 '■ "' Wrly lutelifgenl pmoii ofeUhw X ■ I I ■..', " t... . hu rwd na wfito.aad who, I It I I 'I Iltt-r inmtrui.'lioii,wlll work iiuiuitriou!, V W %0 Un, io cara TkW Thu.nd l.oll.n, . Trarin Ihflrown ItM tUttM,M h' vrr thr-v livr.l will also flirni'h the i'(itioQOremiliiviiitii,i wlii.h jou mm MfB that imouiu. N .nfv fot mi-uiii'-n .m i t-sfui utbovr. BuUrasd qolekt letriifd. 1 ,l-.,re bal au workvr 1 ■ h lÜBtrhl -irn.unty. I have lrraily icugtit itud provtdd vtlfa Dphti m nt lurzt iiiiiiil.iT, nh,. ire mitkiuir orr #:ftMHi ytmrmeh. It i . KW aad SUI.II. riUMrtlcuiiiiFBEE. a,-,....., E. ♦'. AM.IN. Box 14 O, Auicuatu, Muiue, lBBiJk' f 6000.00 a ymt b Mm t.y John R. .fflM WfP k you may nut ns Hek, but w cao H aKteatli yöuquirkly how tm-m from S& to 3K ÜO day at the sinrt, and utoie as you go jBq9v lBVawLon' 'iuI'1 exíll " ■(;. In any part of ■■ _fw, . iP'"if "" your ' iin-nU only lo k JF cv.T w..fki-r. stiiit (iu,"ftinjithini W vSf awmblnr. BASILT. 1'EtDILY IwrmA. yPVarifliTV VAK l li l LA : 1 Ki !:. Aüdrea at ooca, f fi viisn in., i,:.u:.ii. HA1SK


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