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Michigan State News

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The Michigan erop report for April gays that wheat in the soulhern and central counties, whcre 97 per cent, oí the erop in this state is raised, luis suffered no material injury. Owing to the open winter, the top is more or less browned. bn1 it is belleved that the root is uninjnred. Tlie ground is not yet bare oi d v m the northern counties, but no fear is exprea 3 as to the condition of the erop in that section. The nutnber ol bushels of wheat reportod marketod In March is 1,518,897, and in the eighi months from August 1, tlj668,617. pastures are reportad in rood oondition and the outlook for fruit, particularly apples and peaches, ta ppomitlngin all parts of the Btal Health In Mlrliis"Reports to the state board of health by iorty-eiffht obsorvers in different parts of the state for the week ended April 1 1 indicated that typhoid fever and inflamraation of the bowels increased, and cholera morbus, whooping cough, dysentery, cerebro spinal meningitis, inflammation of the kidneys and typhomalariiil fover decreased in area of prevalenee. Dtphtheria was reported at eleven placea, scarlet fever at thirtytwo, typhoid fever at four and measles at thirty-six places. Inililr In Move. ï'rank ('lark, a prominent Detroit business man, died the other morning while arisinjf from bod. llis wife saw hlm, but for sorao reason was unable to move. 8he lay paralyzed until a neighbor torced an entrance into the house. The wholt? allair was shrouded in mystery. Doetors eould not account for the woroan's condition and the husnunil had evi.iently not been the victim of foul play. Muskcgoir Public IJbrrjr. Charles II. Hackley haa provided for the mainteiiance of the Hackley public library by donating to the Jluskegon public schools a fund t. be held in trust b.v the board ■ of bonds v-alued al f75,000, bearing 5 per cent, interest, for a new schoolhouse to replace the one recently tmrned, making a grana pift to t!;at city írom Mr. Hackley uitliin Uro yars of ,209,000. Tr&mp KilN 1 r.i n;. .lames Carroll, a tramp, kille.l another membcr of the ", r íession" in a quarrel at the Urand Rapidl & Indiana railvvay yardí in (rand Rapids by ttabbing him with a jacklcnife. The dead man had not been Identifled. Carroll was In jall. HesaJdhehad a sister living in Fort Wnyne and another in Indianapoli-,. He bas lost both feet and walUson hia Iukcj, C'omnifliulicr8 Nuuied. The governor has appointed the following'Commi ionera ti the commercial congress at Kans;;-, City noxt month: Muvsliall Bowell, of Cassopolis; .1. II. Withey, of Grand Rapids; Don. M. Diekinscin of Detr Mi EL Belde:i, of Jackson; W. ;:.■ Bnrt, of Saginaw; WUllatn Mol'hurson, of llowell; .1. O. MasoK of A.drlan; o. 1'. Barnes, of Lansing' M di san Homeopatbvi The South western Homeopathie association of Michigan held its annual meeting at ECalamazo and the eleption of officers resnlted ; ■. foliows: l'resident, E. A. Italyea!, BLalamazoo; vicepresident, II. L. Miller, Otsego; secretary, J. N. Ayrea. Kalamaeoo; treasurer, Alfa I!. Lieb, Kalamazoo. sii(rt luit Nvv Itemti Sberman Mereer, of Newaygo, was drowned in Kigelow creek hile fishing. A. .1. rtlake, of Leslie, lias a fiddle which is more thiin 100 years old and is valued at . . . . The people did nol want the Flint & Pere Marquette Eailroad Company to their Fargo braneh and had the courts enioin the road. Michigan salt inanufacturers have formed a new orgwoizatton to control the ptice of thi-ir product. LewiR A. Campb 1. a pioneer of Eagt Tanas, died the other morning. He was born at Staunton, Va. Willard S. Martin dale, of Grand Kapids, has pica 1i-il gtulty to playing ghost and frightenlng women, The Ottawa Kurniture Company, with a capital of Sll)0,000, has been organized at Holland. Two hundred men will be cmployed. Work is to be begun at once on the buildings tor the West Michigan Fair association at Grand Rapids. The main building will bc 100 fcet square, with four wings 30 by 80 fect each. The first train paawd through the Port Iluron tunnel and under the St. Clair river at 4:55 the other afternoon. William Kayan. who killed Patrick O'Connor in a fiht at (Irand Kapids, last summor, was found guilty of manslaughter by a jury. The Mancelona handle factory was destroyed by lire, throwlng fifty men out of employment. Loss, .17,1)00; insurance, SO.OUO. Joe Simnson, a Canadian, withno atives and no money. dropped dead in the depot at Reed City and was buried at Big Kapids. Dr. Jonathan I. Chapla, of Battle Creck, dropped dea.l at his rosldence. He was 80 years oíd ind had lived at Battlc Creek for over half a century. Three unoceupicd dwellings in Grayling were burned at a loss of $2,500. The houses werp noar the Michigan Óentral depot and that building was slightly damaged. The Chicago & West Michigan Kailroad Company will begin building lts road to Petoskey and Charlevoix as soon as the frost is out of the ground. It is thought that cars will be running by July 1. A St. Ifaace man recently received a dog by éxpress from a frieod and Had to pay $10. He étill feels very sore, SS UJe Same breed of doga can be bougtt Uk Sb. Iynace for tweaty-five cents pr half doien.


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