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Michigan Legislature

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Lansisc. Mich.. April 15.-A bill crcating the Thirty-;-econd judicial circuit from OntonagOn au iinnties was passed in the senate yerterday. Tiie bill calling for an ap prop, ■ . 00 for macliinery for a furniture plant 1 -lied in the lonUi re formatory. giying employment to i convicta, was pi, ilnat by Gra Li tand ture manufacturera. LAN . April 18.- In the senate yesten'.uy a bill repeallng tki arter oí tbe I was favcrably r pirted and passed in committee of th3.whi ' fa3t freigM . i :rlor slecpi.' .mies at 6 per cent. or ïheir gross reoeipta in Mictaigun also poaseil ín committeo ot the whole. A bill rcqulring th:it tho upper berths ot Bloeptog cars shall not beloiv aey are in actual use was favorablv reporten!. Tbe MUler bill. providing torchi' aanttal electora by congressional district, was favorably reported to the senate afirrbelng amended bo m to provide that Ingtoad of t'.vo electora at large tbe state BhaU be duided Into an tastearn and western district and electors at large chosen from each of the districts. Lansim . Kioh-, April 17.- The senate passed a bill yestrrdny requlring that mayors or other officials authoriied to issue permits shall not grant a Heen ie to any newsboy or bootblack under 14 yetrt oli unlew it is shown that the applicaut has attended school at least tour months during the preceding year. The bill also applies to telcgraph and district messenger boys. Lansing, Mich., April 18.- In the senate yesterday the patrons said that they would not accept the democratie bill for redistricting the senatorial districts. and sald they were preparing an independent bill of their own. HOUSE. Lansisu. Mich., April 15.- The house yesterday passed the senate bill prohibiting the entry of "ringers,"or horses bearing a nctitlous name. In any horse race or speed contest in the state under penalty of imprisonment not to exeeed three years or a fine of not over 11,000. Bills approprtattng W0.500 for the Northern asylum for the insane and S90.ft30 for the State normal school were also pas&ed. Lassinu, Mich., April 16.- In the house yesterday a bill was passed authorizing the special charter railroads to reorganizo under the general law. A bill to prohibit the use of railroad passes by Jegislators and sta'.e and judicial ofneers caused a long debate, and it was finally referred to a joint committee. Lansing, Mich., April 17.- A bill was reeommended to the house for paceage yesterday whichjsai' llyatthe rinkerton detective agency. It prohtblM the importation of armed men to do pólice or patrol service in Michigan. Tbe bill mailing appropriations for the state public school at Coldwater was taken from the table, engrosscd and presented to the governor for approval. Lansing, Mich., April IS.- In the house yesterday the bill reapportioniug the representative districia v.ns pused. The senate btll making it a state prison offeuse to enter any horse in a race under a Qotltlous name or out of its rightful class was also pasacd.


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