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Do you know that you can buy a chimney to fit your lamp that will last till some accident happens to it ? Do you know that Macbeth's 14 pearl top " or " pearl glass " is that chimney ? You can have it - your dealer will get it- if you insist on it. He may tell you it costs him three times as muchas some others. That is true. He may say they are just as good. Don't you believe it- they may be better for him ; he may like the breaking. l'ittsburg. A. MACBETU & CO. The Balmon fihermen of Maine are in earnest in tlieir war against thesealn, tbat seem to be multiplying along the coast. They say a bounty of $2 a head must be offered by the Siate or ere long there'll be no salmón. "The tree of deepest root is found, least willing still to leave the ground," and this could once have been most truly aaid of chronic pain of any sort. But after the lapse of so many ages, a sovereign reinedy has been found in Salvation Oil, every provident householder should keep it. The quickest trial on record is reported frora Oconee, Ga. A man who stole an umbrella from a store was arrested, arraigned, pleaded guilty, and paid a fine of $29.25 inside of fifteen minutes. After the trial he claimed the umbrella, bat he didn't get it. o : woman, loveïy woman, wliy will you suffer so Wby bear such pain and aDguish, and agony of woe? Why don't you seck the remedy- the 'onethat's all the go? "All the go," because it rnakes the pains go. As an invijrorating, restorative tonic, soothing cordial and bracing nervine, for debilitated and feeble womi en generally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite PreBeription bas no equal. Ititnproves digestión, invigorates thesystem,enriches the blood, dispels aches and pain?, preduces refreshing sleep, dispels tnelandioly and nervousness, and builds up both the flesh and strength cf those reduced belovv the healthy standard. Don't be iut off with some worthless compound, easily, but dishonestly reccommended to be "just as good," that the dealer may niaice more profit. "Favorite Prescription" is incomparable. Business Is llusiiio I. Manufacturer - Have you succeeded ia perfectly imitating Good & Compay's goods ? Superintendent - Allofthem, sir. Manufacturer - Very well. Get up a circular warning the public againat vile imitations and put 'em on the market. - New York Weekly. To Ttae Pacific (Oaxi. Go to California via the through Unes of the Burlington Route, from Chicago or St. Louis to Denver, and thence over the new broad gauge, through car lines of the Denver and Rio Grande or Colorado Midland Railways, via Leadville, Glenwood Springs and Salt Lake, - through interesting cities and unsurpassed suenery. Dining cars all the wav. 0 EXCURSIÓN TO 9IARYLAK. ;Ir1 tiii ■ to Visir the nmins Siuilll Excursión tickets to Hagerstown, Md., and return, will besold May 20th to 28th inclusive, lïora all B. & O. points west of the Ohio River and connections at bue fare tor the" round trip. Tickets good until June 3Oth, with stop-over privileges at one intermedíate point east and west of the Ohio Eiver. At Hagerstown low rate excursión tickets will besold excursionista to B. & O. R. R. points in the Sbenandoah Valley, Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland. Apply to nearest B. & O. Agent fo rat es. Information about low-prioed lands, investmeots. thriving ton na, etc. will be supplied by M. V. Richards, Land and Immigration Agent, 0 B. & O. R. E., Baltimore, Md. Thronch Revea Ktates. CoaimencingMarch29th, the Northern Pacific will resume its doublé daily passenger train service between St. Paul and Minneapolis on the east, and Helena, Butte, Spokanefalls, Tacoma, Seattle and Portland on the wtst. West bound trains will leave St. Paul at 9:00 a. H. and 4:15 p. M. respectively, carry ing complete service of Pullman First Class and Tourist Sleeping Cars, First and Second Class Day Coaches, Free Colonist Sleeper and Elegant Dining Cars. The morninR train uut of St.Paul [No. 3] will carry First Clas Vestibuled Sleeper from Chicago, leavini that point at 5.30 p. m. daily over the C, M. & St. P. R'y, reaching the Pacific Coust via the line through Butte. Train No. 1, leaving St. Paul at 4:15 p. m., will carry both Pullman First Class and Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars from Chicago via the Wisconsin Central Line, leaving the latter point at 10:45 p. m. daily, running via Helena to Spokane Falls, Tacoma and Portland. Passengers from the east leaving St. Louis in theforenoon and Chicago in the afternoon, will make close connections with the morning train out of St. Paul the following day; leaving Chicago at night, connection will be made with Train No. 1 out of St. Paul the next afternoon. With two transcontinental passenger trains running daily between eastern and western terminals, the Northern Pacific Railroad - the Yellowstone Park Route - offers the best possible service to the tourist, business man or settler. The equipment on this line is unsurpassed in point of beauty and convenience, while the service is first class. It is th short and direct line to Montana and al North Pacific Coast points, and passes through the grandest, most productiye and richest sections of seven states, viz Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota Montana, Idaho, Oregon and Washing ton. District Passenger Agen ts of the North ern Pacific Railroad will take pleasur in supplying information, rates, maps time tables, etc., or application can be made to Chab. S. Fke, G. P. & T. A., St IPaul, Minn. Write to above address for the lates and best map yet published of Alaska- just out. 0


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