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BUSINESS CARDS. ARTHUR J. KITSON, Contractor & Builder. ] Estlmates furniBhed on all kinds of Architecture. RssiDENCE amd Shop, 21 Geddes-ave. AKN ARBOR MICHIGAN. ] HAZELWOOD'S Wood and Coal Yard. We keep eonslantly on hand all kinds of Dry Wood, also Charcoal and Kindling, Flour, Feed, Cora, Oats, Baled Hay and Straw. Lady Clerk in Main Office. GEO. II. H4ZELWOO. 33 Euron Next Fire Engine House. Branch Offices: Mann's Second Hand Store, Huron St. Hennic & Co's. Grocery Store, S. Main St. --M.P. VOGEL,- DEAT.r IS FRESH, SALT1 SMOKED MEATS. AND JAM i: IN Si: '.SON. 22 E. HüBON-St. A.NN ARBOB. NEW SPRING OPENING OF Fancy -:-Millinery. Saturday, March 21, 1891. Everybody invited to Examine Stock. MRS. J. L. JOHNSON, No. 23 N. Slain-M. WHEN IN YPSILANTI STOr AT THE Occidental -Hotel. Mineral and Fresh Water Baths. SS-SPMCIAL BATES TO STUDEXTS.-m Five o'clock Dinnere Sundays. H. E. SHUTTS, Prop'r. pi K. WILLIAMS, Attorney at I.iih , .Ullnu, Mlcn. Money loaned for outside parties. All legal usiness given prompt attention. k LKX. W. HAMILTON Attornevat Law. WiU pricöoein both State and United SU'eOonrtt. Office Kooms, one and two, lst floorof the new briek block. corner of Haron and Fonrtli Streett, Ann Albor, Michigan. TRUCK AND STOBAGE. Now we are ready with a New Brick Str.rehouse torüie Btorage of HouseholdB, Planos, Bookí and Btoves. Pianos and Fumlture carefulljr moved. All kindsof Heavy and Light draying. F REIGHT WORK. Residence and Office, 46 N. Fourth Street. Teleptaene 82. WM. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL PARLORS over Savings Bank opposite Oovirt House Square. Teeth exlracted without pain by use of Gas or Vitalized Air. WM. BIGGS. Contractor and Buildef, And all klmlH of work In connectlon witta the abore proinptly execnted. Shop Cer. of Churcht and S. University ave. Telephone 9 : P. O. Box 1248. Wall Paper? OF ALL -The-:-Latest-:-DesignsFBICES TEE LOWBST. OSCAR O. SORG, The Decorator, 70 S. Muln-Ht. ... - ANN ARBOR. 32 E. HURON STREET Is & good place toeet repairs done by skillml mechanica such as Caruentering. Furniture, Basoliae Stores BICYCLES, SAWS FILED, etc. Also a full line of HOUSE FÜRNISHING GOODS New and Second Hand. It is the place to get a good bargain. J. S. MANN, Proprietor. 1IIS1Y & SSABOLT, HOS. 6 AHD 8 ■Washington Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Have alwayson hand a complete Stock ot eve th'aev i fiROCERY LINE? Teas, Coffees and Sugars All prime Articles bought for Cash and cansell at low flgnres. Our frequent large invoices of Teas ia a sure sign'that we give bargains in QUALITY AND PRIOB. We roast our own cotFeea every week, always ftaatt and good. Our bakery tnms out the very o of Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and FRUIT-:-FARM! PEARS AND GRAPES A SPECIALTY. All kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Trees and Flowers, frm Ellwanger & Barry. Order r.uil.v by Mil. Syrups, Medicinal Wines. Raspberry Syrups, Boneset, Dandelion and Other Domestic Grape Winea, prepared espcciaïly for Inralids. Pure I'lymouth Rock Eggs. EMIL BAUB, W. Huron-St. BEMOYED. -hangsTerferCATEBEB. HTO xNEW STORE-=S3iT il WASIIIX; I O. STREET, Frft door east of Main-ft. ICE CREAM SODA, 5 CENTS. The finest Confertionary in the City, ."SOc per th. Henry Richards, Dealer in all kinds of HARD WOOD, LUMBER, FBNCF. POSTS, MAPLE FLOOR1NO, otc aiao And all kinds of Firewood. Prices as Low as Anv Dealer in the Citv, AGEST FOK THE mm mil' m mm, Sio. 9 llrtrnil !.. -- 4 nu .V rlxr, MIch. MÜSIGÁL FÖRMS A Syetcraatic Primer of tho Typical Forma oi Modem Music, by V. 8. B. Mathews. Price, 8C cents. Just published. A SAMPLE OOPÏ wili lx sent postpaid for 50 ets., provided this paper is meD tioned. UBADED CATALOGUES of STANDAR! Hl'SICAL COMPOSITIOJÍS, Vocal and Initru mental, will be sent FliKE to any addreas. AfiTHUR P. SCHMIDT, 15 West St, Boston, Mass ■P Rsc Vut ."" t hf ri'are doinp wli. Why Ljrr- wB ilfUdiiT. AU grVs. WVkIiow youhow tÍí C Kt nd itrt you. Cn werk in pare time ZOg vt. Fallure unknown anng thrm. H. Hállete V Co.,Boz8e(OPortlunil,Main ft A pamphlet of lnlormation and ab-r ■stractof toe laws.Ihowing Ilow toV ■.Obtain Patenta, Careats, Trade ■Marks, Copyrights, imt r"yM AddiM MUNN & CQ.W 1.361 Hroadwuy, ,K LDOSE'S EXTRACT CLOVERlÖJSSOM Female Weaknes Sores, Ulcers, Tumo Abscesses, Blood Polgoning, Salt BheuinCatarrh, Eryslpelas, Kheumatism and all lilood and Skin Diseascs. Price i. per Pin: Bottle. or 6 Boules for 5. i'bcan Sohd Extrae ërTRo,JTrcLg0ioRp.ucvco W. L.' DOUGLA8 rantcd, and . ttamped OE "- Address W. li. I)Ol!G LAS, Broïklon, Man, sold by WH KKISill A1111 .V CO. IO OOO ACENTS WANTED to nupply the imperativo damaml íor .jíhMIUO copie o the nK Kble H'1 iíiiiIh'i:m i.if _ " Gen.WM.TECUMSEHSi _rtT?ir-. „ii'ir. i ; CTti i ' ' ftk Thisvt.rki 1M int: v "- -x ÍM m ï in Wal Kiel Ij ■ v-"-'J and will hiivc au Hiiornimi ■; ' ■,. - wile. 1i iirir-. ■ wJTh. 8to Si.5( f" ■ - ' mrAt-ents lfff i rtYt Send üöc. for out ht or bos) term iipJBM ,,, lii r,V.ui) bkos.. ruiis., ÍC IB St. Ijonia, Ho. ■ma ■■■vl A weekly jonrnal of a fte IKITT ligion til ,. Ruttonal VI II I I .and a Kanú.ialism tUat 12 111 M ■ ReligiOUS. For tiloso wU bellere in Religión, but quuatïon miraclt-'s, pverlastin punishment, and vicarious atonennnt. CK1TY stand lor Freedom, Fellowship, and Choracte in Religión, and f or a ryligious f ellowship that we comes all who wiöh to work together for the advanc ment of Truth.Iüght andLove in tce world. 32 columns tiyiluding a sermón every week. tl.OO a year; but U a new subscriber, mentioning thls adTertlsement, I nlll be sent a wbole year for 50 cents. Address Si UUIi H. KKBH CU. . Prtl. . 1 3 1 Durlwn St. .CkWatfc


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