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"If pop had blankctcd you in the stablc you would bc fat, too." FREE-Get fron your dealer free, the 3 á Book. It has lianilsome picture) aluable inforniation aboit horses. ïwo or three dollars for a 5 a Horae Blanket will niake your lioi-se worth mor .i 1 eat lew to keep warm. 5A Five Miie 5A Boss Stable Ask for 5A Eiectric 5A Extra Test 80 other styles at prices to snit cverybod If yoii can't get them from your dealer, witi: ui. 5A .AP DUSTERS ARE THE BEST. 100 styles, prlces to snit uil. WJt. AYRE3& Sons, 1'hii.aukh-hia. Sold by ill dealers. I ■Wood's IliosïtLOöJ.xLe. THE GBEAT EMiLISII BEMEDV. . ror 35 yearsl "- -""-M of Youttaful folly ). tlmusandssuc-l IÉC and '■ otssrully. MaSii of later cuf.'cd (o cure air Ii3'TiJ "'il'c immtiia.le (i.rnisof Nerrous 1S3' strcnath and vul. eaknesa, Fmla. tC3W r. Aak dra. . W" f or Wood's Ph 'S . iRe, SI; 3ix. $ó, by mail, Wrlte for pampbli.T. ss The Wond Chemical Co.. 131 foodu arii .. .., Uitrolt, Mlcli. f? Mitchell'sKidney Piasters ---SJ Absorb all disease in the Kidnt:y3 and f f" restore tliomto a hiT.::hjCondl::on. yf Oíd chronio kidney eafferera aij (l thcy got no relief nntil tlicy t:xd f[ MITCHEI.I.'S BJDNSX 1 i;.t.:v:r::s. SoiabyDmIstsovcrj-whe-e. " : ■ .-mail for 300 Novolt.T Planter Wurk, ï.ow.ll, ar.-T IlYOU WISH to Advertise Anything Anywhere ATAny time WRITE TO Geo. P. Rowell & Ca No. io Spruce Stree NEW YORK. If You Have CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, SCROFULA, COUCHorCOLD, THROAT AFFECTIOW, WASTINCof FLESH, r antj lliseme vhere the Throat anti .mi..s are Inflama!, Laek of Slrenilh or Xerve Foi.-er, yon can bt' jvti(Í ano Vured htj SCOTT'S EMULSIÓN OP PURECODLIVEROIL 'Alth Hypophosphites. Palatable as Milk. for Scott'f tTínuísoii, anti Ift no explanatlon or solicitation imluce you to accept a suhstitute. Sold by all Druggists. SCOTT & BOÏÏNE, Chemists, N. Y. Rnbbor Staoes nnles wom nneomfortaWy tlght, ii nerally slip off the fot'L THE 'COLCHESTEU P.IHBER C. makp all tholr hooa wlth Inslde of hwl !ln"l wttS Stlj.T. iSls clines to the shoe auJ vn-vc-ntt th rubber um slipping olt Oall fnr ths - elchr'r "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." FOR SALE BY Wm. AlIM , John Baric, Doty Feiner, Ornner, W. Rinhrdt Co., 1 A 1. 8yler on. AKW ABBOR. ïstieixit ti:m::e -YOl ARE IN SALÍ i get a POÜND of A. M. HFMPHREY'S 2 8 í COFFEE! HAMILTON'S INSURANCE, Real Estáte AND Loan Agency. No. 2, Hamilton Block, IIRM FLOOR. Partles desiring to buy or Bell Re&l Eatatt will find lt to thelr aavantage to cali on me. II refresent ten First-Class Fire Insurance Cos. Bates Low, Loeses Promplly Adjusted and Promptly Paid. I also Issue LIFE 1NSVRAKCE POLICIES in the Connectlcut Mutual I.ife Insurance Co. Ond Hundred Lots iu Hamilton Park Addition foraale. Okficf. Hours- 8 A. M. to 12 M., and 2 to 5 P. M. A. W. HAHILTOH. LUMBBR ! LUMBER ! LUMBBR ! you contémplate building cali at FBRDON Uor Yard Corner Fourth a-d Depot Ste., and get our flgur '. t for all kinds ot LUMBEK We mauufaoture our own Lumber and vuarantee VERY LOW PRIOEJS. 4-Give as a callnnd we 111 makt lt to . onr Interest, as oht and well Krl'l stock fiilly snstalns onr assr Ion. JAMEN TOI.RFBT, Vier . t. UKECH.Nnpt. 1110 nkcD'9onnie,lnphlllel?h" i HIN KarrKit tho Newspapor Advc lüüs rwi m„.,,„.. , ,',- !,, v JJ. WÏ AYER & SON.ourauthurU.'dajient L# NEW uñRCR FHOM - ffldB__. Nas Patent Return Flue Boiler; Wrought Iron and Steel Wheels, with the Sprirgs beween the hearings of the Hub; 14-inch Steel fire; Cushioned Gear and all Latest Improvenents. 8,12 and 16 H. P. Ask tor Catalogue, Frse. , tJTThreshers of all sizes. THE HUBER MTG CO., Mariou, Ohia 9-10ths q Jihe Separation at Oylinder. No firing grain. Se eKeverse Beater in cuts. Only one belt. R. SHETTLER, General Agent, Ccrand Rapids, Mlcli. HOBERT HUNTEN, . 8mt Agont, Ans Abdok, Mich, ÜOLB MEDAL, PAK?., 1STS. S. Baker & Co.s Breakfast Cocoa from which the excoss of oil bal been removed, is Absolutely JPure andttisSolubl'. No Chemicals are used iu its prcparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is thereforc far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishinc;, strengthening, kasily digested, and admirably adaptcd for invalida ;is well as for persons in health. Sold by Grocers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO-, Dorchester, Mass. A 1 A A 1'1'A It ! I 'i lr'.Bltir fll "I II fl,rn,hiivUrljiii!fllitinonofitber V I "'"' ■■" ""' ""' ri"-""i ". .T.l Il'i-'-r lii.iru. liuii.will work iiilmlrioiiily, vTarinitirir.-wn I H-UtÍM m i" r-ví-rtíiey llvft.I wilUlaofürniíh th ,-,MUm icfapU -HUÍ Mi 1. yu i n iftll MaBorB, Kasily uta qutcklr . batana ck.T rnnn mh (iUtri. 1 orcounly. I Ir-aiv luiCllt mi. I ,r-- il-d wttb tupi" ' la5 ,,. SOI. II. K..1I i...... ..Inr. KICKT. AddnMMHiea, It, '. AI.I.KN. Box 1-J. AiiuiiMu. Mulne. L_fc t BOOO.OO ft Jr I h--n)r ninlo h? John K. j KV ,, ,:B,Troy.N.ï.t w.,rk for ui. KajJ tRtn'li'yóu'iniikly how Inútil ft-.m & lo H ' W 10 u ilay t the lUrt, nd moif yoo RO KB JKfrB n. n II "■■ " =.' l'" ' H flB.'u(r nll y'uur tiun-.'-i ar. ni. nn-iiti onlytu 't rf?Bit í' '" 'w.'.'rW.-r. "v- in ju.'furalihlns %T I EAS1I.Ï, 81'ULUILT hHW XUjIt'Y :l I LAM tiJ! A ! u.. at onc. r .U.


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