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Michigan Legislature

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Lansiní;, Mich., April 2a. - The seríate yesterday in committee of tbe wholc agroed to 6enator Mllne's ttvo bilis, whích contémplate bringing the Lulce Sliore & Mlohlgan SoQtbero railway, now oper&ting under ;.irta r under the gen-jral law for taxation pu-poses. A joint rcsolution asking congress to submit a cons'itutional amendment provldlng for the election of United States sena by a direct rote of ilie people was pg Lahsino. Mie'x. Aprll ü". tona not in BOS8 teing in ;'■- u the funeral of C3ügress man 1 . LAN.-.IN'., Mlch., April 'Jt.- Tlio sen ate reíterduy p. -■ . tbe Milnes blll tepes Ing the special charter undcr wlaich i i .ure & Michigan Sourjcrn railroad operates. Ín committee of tbr wbole líie t' - :.u bilí for eli reressiona1 Milnes introduct] idinff for tl of the tmltai i by law for puvi; monntlng to aboutt438.u00.aad tbot the te applied to :r equalizatioD oí bouuties on the basi of H00 ill] „tho charles ol t.:o;.lionc compani'.-s was íuvorably reponed. La . . Aprll '..").- The bilí requiring that tbe i i li oars shall not be lid for the nipht raa il.'íoatcd tn th" ■ rday. Las April W. - N'othing was done in the senate n Saturday. ■on LAKSQfa, M cii.. April ;.- In (he house yesterday bilis were fuvorably reported providing for a central board of control consistingof three men and threo womon, which sliall have the management of the state public school at Coldwater, the state blind school at Lansing and the school for the deaf at Flint: appropriating $fxi,(XX) for tha expenses of the state Bab c.nnmlssion for the ensuiiiK two years. and amondlng the present tish and ame warden laws so as to autborize the warden to appoint not exceeding flve special deputles in each county, clothed with equal atitbority ith him.ielf. at a oompensation of three dollars per day. LansiN',. Mlch., April a- All the house members yesterday went to Grand Rapids to attend the funeral of Congrcsman Ford. Lansixü, Mlch.. April 1 The house yesterday passed a bilí the auditor general to credit the oounty of Muskegon with the sum of f8,000 of delinquent tax assessod upon lands the tit'.e of whii-h was in the tate or United States. The committee of the wbolo reported favorably tlie bill appropriating f30,000 to tbc irrand arm.v encampmont to bc held in Dstroit next August. The senate bill making it a misdciueanor to counterfeit a trade unión label, ai. il !!):■ general election bill, modeled closcly after tbe Australia! plan, wcre passed. The committee on ways and meana reported without reeoxnmendatlen tho DodiK bill, equalIzlnf itate bouotlos by glving everj Michigan veteran of the cival ar a bounty of 1100, provided he has not alrcady been paid that sum. LABSIKQ, Mion., April Ï5i- The Kichardson bill, increasing tho rato of tbc spcciflc taxes imposed upon the railroads over GO percent., was favorably reported to the Ijoh-c yesterday. It requires that the roads shall pay 3 per cent. of thelr gni If less tlian Í2O.O0O per mlle, and 4 per n n ezoeai of that Slim. A corjmlt'.eo on btate affairs reported in favor of abolishing the ofllee of stat:: líame varden and of shortening the deer shootins; scason ten days in eaih of the two penínsulas. This wlU make the Beasoti trom Septemb r 90 to November 1 in the up;, i:cnin.-'.i:a and f;-oin November 10 to D rn' luw. r península. Lansini;, Mlch., April 87.- In the house on Saturday a bill providinj for a stenographer for each of : . r the Bupreme court was agreed to after amending by chiinging the salary from 11,200 to J1.000.


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