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One of the troubles of life is thebreakingof lamp-chimneys. Needless. Macbeth's "pearl top" and "pearl glass" are tough against heat. You will save nine-tenths of your chimney-money by using them, "Pearl top" fits most of the little lamps ; " pearl glass " is for " Rochester, " Pittsburgh," " Dúplex," etc. We make a great many sizes and shapes, all of tough glass. You can get the right ones. Talk with your dealer about it. PittSburf,'. GEO. A. MACBETII& CO. A cotnpany of Ruesian and Belgian financiers with large capital has been formed lo ultivate cotton on :i larn soale in Bok h ara. "All alone, unheard, unknown,- fae raakes his moan" - in a fifth-story bedroom. The reason is obvious, he is sufferina everything withacold and hasn't got a soul to step across the street for one sraall bottle of Dr. Bull's Cugh Synip. riifJ'H' niiijic.l I i. i r TnilP. The Demócrata no loneer speak Upon tho subject with jocosity, Since Mexico began to seek The benefits of reciproclty. Fall i un. Une Join the great procession! It marches to v.ctory! It knows no defeat! Inscribed on its banners is the inspiring battle-cry, "Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery." lts line of march extends across the continent, and around the world! A happy illustration of the popularity and success of this famed remedy. 'Tiseverywhererelievingpain, inspiring hope, curing disease! For all blood disorders it is acknowledged the safest, the most thorough, the best! The liverandkidneys respond at once to the invigorating touch, through them the .whole system is cleansed and built up, anew. Ifyouaresick, indisposed.debilitated, weak, suffering from malariousor other poisons, you'll find the "Golden Medi. cal Discovery" the remedy par excellence to restore you. Kxlravagaiit ïew Yorlt. New York bpends more money tban Boston. The census shows that the per capita of public expenditure for the New Yorker averages annually more than two dollars higher than the expenditure of the Bóstonian. It is $21.80 in Boston and $23.94 in New York. For Over Filïy Years Mrs. Winslow'sSoothingSyrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhcea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. 0 To The Pacific toas!. Go to California via the through lines of the Burlington Route, from Chicago or St. Louis to Denver, and thence over the new broad gauge, through car lines of the Denver and Rio Grande or Colorado Midland Railways, via Leadville, Glenwood Springs, and Salt Lake, - throiigh interesting cities anfl unsurpassed scenery. Dining c.irs all the way. o EXCDKSipH TO tl AHVI.AM. Oor(unlti 's to Vlsi the Growlng Soiilh Excursión tickets to Hagerstown, Md., and return, will besold May 20th to 28th inclusive, from all B. & O. points west of the Ohio River and connections at one fare for the round trip. Tickets good until June 30th, with stop-over privileges at one intermedíate point east and west of Che Ohio River. At Hagerstown low rate excursión tickets will besold excursionists to B. & O. R. R. points in the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland. Apply to nearest B. & O. Agent foi Information about low-priced lands, investmentR, thriving towns, ett.. will lie supplied by M. V. Richards, Land and Immigration Agent. 0 B. & O. R. R.. Baltimore, Md. 'l'hroneb Sneu States. Com mencing March 29th, the Northern Pacific will resume its doublé daily passenger train service between St. Paul and Minneapolis on the east, and Helena, Btitte, Spokanefalls, Tacoma, Seattle and Portland on the west. West bound trains will leave St. Paul at 9:00 a. m. and 4:15 p. m. respectively, carrying complete service of Pullman First Class and Tourist Sleeping Cars, First and Second Class Day Coaches, Free Colonist Sleeper and Elegant Dining Cars. The morning train out of St. Paul [No. 3] will carry. First Ciass Vestibuled Sleeper from Chicago, leav ing that point at 5.30 r. m. daily over the C, M. & St. P. R'y, reaching the Pacific G)ast via the line through Butte. Train No. 1, leaving St. Paul at 4:15 r. m., will carry both Pullman First Class and Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars from Chicago via the Wisconsin Central Line, leaving the latter point at 10:45 p. m. daily, running via Helena to Spokane Falls, Tacoma and Portland. Passengers from the east leaving St. Louis in theforenoon and Chicago in the afternoon, will make close connections with the morning train out of St. Paul the following day; leaving Chicago at night, connection will be made with Train No. 1 out of St. Paul the next afternoon. With two transcontinental passenger trains running daily between eastern and western terminals, the Northern Pacific Railroad- the Yellowstone Park Routeoffers the best possible service to the tourist, business man or settler. The equipment on this line is unsurpassed in point of beauty and convenience, while the service is first class. It is the short and direct line to Montana and all North Pacific Coast points, and passes through the grandest, most productive and richest sections of seven states, viz: Wisconsin. Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. District Passenger Agen ts of the Northern Pacific Railroad will take pleasure in supplying information, rates, maps, time tables, etc., or application can be made lo Chas. S. Fee, G. P. & T. A., St. Paul, Mimi. Write to above address for the latest and best map yet published of Alaska - just out. 0


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