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The Ann Arbor Savings Bank

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Orgaaiied 188, iiixh-r ihe Generai Banking Law of thi State Capita!, $50,000, Surplus, WCG. Total Assets, $251,156Business Men, GnardiauH, Trustees, an) olher penont will lind this Bank it Safe and Convenient Place at which'to make Deposita and do Bueinss. INTEREST IS ALLOWED ON ALL SAVINGS DEPOSITS of $1.00 and upwarde, acocrding to the rules of the bank, and interesr compounded semi-annually. Money to Loan n Sums of $25 to $5,000. 8ECÜEKD BY UNINCUMBKRED RKAI. ISTATE AND OTHER GOOD SECI'RITIÏ DIREOTORS : - Ohristian Mack, W. W. Wines, W. . Harriman, William Deuble, David Rinsey, Daniel Hiscock, W. B. Smith and L Oruner. OFFIOERS : - Ohristian Maok President ; W. D. Harriman, Vic9 President ; O. E. Hiscock, Cashier. Report of the Condition of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank At Ann Arbor, Michigan, at the close of business, July 18, 18ÖO. KESOÜKCES. I LIABIUTIKP. Loanaand Djcounta Ï44.369 24 Ca.plU.1 Stock paid in I 60.000 0t Stocki.bondsand mortgage etc 256,284 95 ?"'R1'i,F?II1"ï " 100,000 08 rwordr.. jci ie DndiTided Profltt „ 17,887 08. Orerdrafta. 2,461 76 Divldeuds unpaid 564 08 Due from banks In reeorve citiea 93,79169 Commerdal depoeiu 154,946 K Due frotn School District No.l.A. A.... 3,827 49 Savingu deposita 392,760 5$ „,„. ,_..._,., iQfa-jn Buetobants and bankere 128 Bill in transit. .,353 30 Certfflc(ltes Of depoait 19.853 OS. Fnmlture and flxtuies 1,930 85 _____ Current expense and taxe paid 115 64 „ .. B 7Sf,_8 54 Check, and cash item. 325 78 S(E op . ntv o, Wtfmxiw, , Nickels and pemile.. . 90 84 I, Chab.E. Hiscock, Cashier of theabovenamed gold ,_ 15000 00 Bank, do solemuly swear that the above stateSiiver " 1600 00 -ent the best of my knofledge ui V. 8. and N- önaï Bank noti....l 14,024 00 belief. OHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. Corrkct- AiMst: Christían Mack, Davti' kin 736,128 54 sky, Wa D. Haeriman, Directori. Sabscribcd and bwoih to Ubtoiu me. il.i. 4ti day of May 1890. _____________ HEXKY J. MAXN, Kotary fiiplic


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Ann Arbor Register