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"Boss wouldn't blanket him in the stable. Said it wasn't no use." FREE-Get from your dealer free, the ?4 Book. It has handsome pictares and valuable information about horses. Two or three dollars for a sa Horsa Blanket will make your horse worth more and eat less to keep warm. 5A Five Mile . 5A Boss Stable Ask for 5A Eectrc 5A Extra Test 30 other styles at prices to suit ererybody. If you can't get them from your dealer, write os. 5A Ia P ■ DUSTERS ARE THE BEST. 100 Ktylcs, pri It 11. Wï All; Bold I ■'■ nll i ,.. n jgtoolsi's Cotton. HoO ff SH1& COMPOUND m wt ConDsi"d of Cotton Root, Tanjy and %7 -JPcnnyroyal- a reoont disooyery by an CjoUl physiciau. Is sucecsKfuttu uscd monÖüy-Safe, ECfectual. Prioe $1, by maiL sealed. Ladies, ask your druegist for Ctook'8 Cotton Root Compound and taio no Bubatituto, or inolose 2 stamps for soaled paröonlar. Addrera POND LI1.Y compact, No. 3 Haber Block, 131 Woodward are., Detroit. MM). $ Miíciitíirsfviüneyhu. - J - -J Abaorb a!l distase in Kid. f f" restore them to a hralíh ' AgU Old chronic kidnej bjiT j[ Owy g:-t no relief nntil t: ; d l BrrcnEULs kïi.. PILASTERS. II YOU WISH To Advertise Anything Anywhere ATAny time WRITE TO , Geo. P. Rowell & Ca No. io Spruce Stree NEW YORK. ITHaT SCOTT'S f? EMULSIÓN SSSS1TIS CUnCS Wasting Siseases Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many havo gained one pound per day by its use. Scott's Emulsión is not a secret remedy. Ifc contains the stimulating properties of the Hypophosphites and pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, the potency of both being largely increased. It is used by Physicians all over the world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by all Druggists. 8COTT L BOWNE. Chemists. N.Y, flnbhor Shops ónices wum uncoinfnrtabïy tlght, y lip off the net HE 'COLCÏÏEST: K CÜBBEB C. f -■ nll tiiolr nhKi "frh twirtti ■■' heel WncA wit i j-r. This cilii;: ( tbfl sta ani (irivcnta the . B-r om hpiiüfcf OÜ C&W r-: l he ■ ■ i1 ' HESIV& COUEiTFRS." FOB SALE BY Wm. AUaby, Joh Bar, oy Felnr, L. flrnnrr, W. Bclntaarat Co., A. I. Seyler ion. ANK ARBOR. - ■ -YOl ARE IN 8AXINEget a POÜND of A. M. HUMPHREY'S 3 8 e C 0 F F E E ! HAMILTON'S INSUEANCE, Real Estáte ü AND Loan Agency. No. 2, Hamilton Block, fikst ri.ooK. Partles dcsirineto buyorsell Real Estalt wi flnd it to thelr adran t ge to cali on me. 1 ref resem ten First-CIass Fire Insurance Cos. Bates Low, Losse Promptly Adjusted and Promptly Pald. I aleo Issue LIFE INSURANCE P0L1CIES in the Connectlcut Mumal Life Insurance Co. Ond Hundred Lots in Hamiiton Park Addition for sale. Offic Hoübs- 8 A. H. to 12 m., and 2 to 5 p. m. A. W. HAM ILTOM. LUMBER! LUMBER ! LUMBER ! you contémplate building cali at FBRDON Usr Yara Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., and get our flgrtir v tfor all kinds oi LUMBER We manufacturo our owu Lumber and qruarantee VERY LOW PRIOES. 49-Glve os a cali ul we wtll make lt o jour mtereNt, a uur large and woll grarted moe-U fully suxtttins onr tumorfn. JAMES TOLBEBT, Prp T. J. KÜEOH, Hap. N. W. AYER & SON. our auchorlzcd weuu mSiiÈ m HUBER HlS Pa!?, f Rolurn Ttua Boüer: ffroutfai Iron and Sx hheels, vyilh hs Springs Beh#een (he borings ot ihe Hub; 14-ineh Sleel Hre; Cushr ned Gear and all Latest Improvo. nents. 8. 12 and 16H. P. Ask Ier Catalogu, rrae. , ÍS 'Threshers of all sises. THS HUBER M'F'O CO., Mariom, OhiO. 'J-lOths a i Ue Sepsration at Cyllnder. No flying graln. SoeBeTerse Beater incuts. Onlyonebelt. R. SHETTLER, General Agent, (irand Rapids, Mtch. ROBERT HUNTEN, 43m6 Agent, Ann Arbop., Mlch. GOLD MEDAL, PAEIS, 1378. f.lAKER&Cfl.'S irBreakfast Cocoa trom wliii'h the excoss of oil lias been removed, ix Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are uscd in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroofc or Sugar, and is thereforo far moro cconomical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adaptcd for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Croeers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. AAAAAA TI'AII! I miiVrtuko to brfflr Ij" "I I Ilrrn -l iiiy t.nly ii'-iü(f-iii )"non oTrith-r W KM il I ■"■. "'■ ■' 1P" "Hl rite.and who, l'lll I I ll"lrr Ki'nu-fi.Mi.will Horkinduitnoualr, WW Wh. .w rt, ritrrf ThoHMKd Dslltn VrtrinfhfiroTn I lllllll i II III II III liljiïll T Mili llw flMIlhTli tlie i-iati-jDör. i i en mm thatamount No monr fur muunlMi u cl muil ■■ b"v. Kanilr anl quirkljr L'snini. i bal mm utll' ttom Mch AMriflt oreooalj. T hare alrradr itutrltt mul [rivjilfd wilh finjli.i ni'nt larc an.l NOL III. PullMrUkalutVKlBK. Adrtrf. at onc, C C, ALI.K.V. llox ISO, Aunaltu, Matn. __ . f (1000. 00 ■ Tf ar !■ btlns: tmU by John R. M ■Uoodwin.Trvr.N V.,at ...k ibr ut. Kdaf, i'k v-u iühj" iiot make aa niuoh, hut wt can yH trach tou Quickly how tururú from $4 to „Skm 10 a 'lay at the Itan, aixl mor yoo fo ■Bl MHon. Both axca,all gra. ln noy prt of kW PWfcmTÍc_a.Too can conm.rnce at bome, f if■ MÊhg 11 your time.or prf momrnu enlyto JLJiii (rk. AH Uuew. .-■! py SÜM.tof X Widr --v wf.rhr. W aiHri jou, furniahio W ■..' Üf . BfTtbtn. KASII.V, SI'l KIULV lmd. JmVI VAliTlCLLAÜS FKK. Addrata at OOCU


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