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OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. Advenisements, such as To Rent, For Sale, and Wants, not excceding three lines, can bo Inserted three weeks for 23 een in. VA&TSI. WANTKD- Ueneral State Agent to open ai quartera in some principal city, assumo exclusive control of our business and Rppcint local and subagents in every city in this state; goods in universal demand, and pay a net profit of 50 to 100 per cent. Address The Union Company, 744 Broad way, New Yo ■ k . 53 Y A ITVBI- ImmedUtely, for llgbt farm work, T t a good, bonest and energetic boy. Good pay and good treairacnt Is assurcd to the right one. Apply atoncetoP. O. box 1484, Ann Arbor. 65 Three rooms, warmed and unfuraished. 26 Madison-st. 54 To Sell or Exchange for Real Estate, one of the best paying Manufacturlng concerns in Ann Arbor. Address, at once, Harain, care Register, Aim Arbor. 53 WAMTED- By a Lady of good character a position as Housekeeper in Private Family or Society House. Inquire at No. 40 East Unlversity-ave. 53 WANTE- Young Man or Woinau, foriight Office Work. App'y at 21 S. Main-st, 50tf WAMTED- A Young Lady, about fifteeu or sixteen, to do two or three hours light house work each day, and spend balance of time at office work. But a Iow salary will be given to begin ■lth. A permanent position, wifli nothing but office work, is guarantsed to tlie right person as soon as thorouglfly competent. For full particu!"ii'an at tl10 oltiCÍÍ "f T K Reciste::. f3 I'H .NAI.K. FOK SAfcJE CIIKAl'-House and Lot, corner Miller-ave and First-st, Ann Arbor. A sood chance to buya home cheap. Address 55 O. I . Matthews, Lansing, Mich. IilOK WA1.ÍS- Brown Carriage Horse, sound, ' Beven years old, excellent roadster- weight 1,100, at 4 Forest ave. 52tf tf OR SALE- Ti-.e stite-st Feed Store, Coal and r S ood Yard. If not sold will be for rent "' J. 1'. JPD9ON. ÍMR gAIiB- A vcrygoodGasoliiit .-tuve. ín'.qulre at IVA N. Thayer-st. IOK SALE- At a sacriüce- Briik and Tile L yard, at junction of T. & A. aud Wabash K. R Addraa Mr. F. A. Bmro, Mllau, Mleh. 67 IjlOR BALE- House aud Two Lote íor mió at ! about pnce of lots. Long time given if desired '' J. T. Jacobs. 1?OB SALE- Seed Potatoes. over 40 varittles1 best Early and Late. H. C. Markhaií, 54 West end MadisoD-st. Aun Arbor, Mich. TTíí'j SO- good Road Crt. cheap, 20 -L' Madison-st. 54 Írjíf SAI'K- AlargeHouse. App]yt28North State-st H. Morse. 55 FOR Old-fashtoñed Sola. Ii:quire at 51 3. Thayer-st. 53 1?OK a new milcb. Cow, one-fourtii mile north of Delhi Mills. W. W. Tübbs. 53 l?K SALE- A very good, second-hand, opiñ X Doublé Buggj-, for sale cheap for cash. The ge&ring is suitable for light spring wagon box Inquire at thls office. 53 ÍpoK SALE- The Horse, Buggy and Haruess formerly owned by Mrs, S. S. Cowles. 12 room house, No. 53 NorthHst. Six room house, No. 63 Miller-ave. Ihese two propertles are offered cheap to close an estáte. Apply toMooRK&TABER. 49tf 76r SÁtE- Wül have an extra fine lot of 1 Peach Trees, aud of the most profitable varieties, to offer this sprinsr, Also Appla, Pear, Cherrv and Plum Trees, Grape Vines, and all of the Sma'li Fruit Plants ; Evergreen trees and other ornamental trees. Residence and Nursery, No. 73 Sprinest, on top of hill. Jacob Gan.horn. 49tf FOR M A I,E- A small Farm, two and one-half miles from Ann Arbor. Address Farm, this office. 4ctf FOR BALE-A large Safe, iu good condition. Also a lot of Household Goods of all kinds chea for cash. ,). 8. Makh. 82 E. Huron-st. 45tf F'OR SALE- Horse, Phaeton añd Cutter. ínquire at 3 Williamsst, or at my office, No. 5 N Maln-st. J. y. A. Sessions. 4itf Fr,Rr,SAL'I:A spleudid, well cultivated Farm of 200 acres, in Western Michigan. Good buildings of all kinds; also several wells and springs. Only ninety miles from Chicago and within two miles of a City of 5,000. The property will be sold for a small amount down and balance on small yearly payments. It Ís a splendid chance. For particulars inquire at this office. 47tf FOB RENT. F'OH Il-T-HO. rooms, cuatod by furnace. 23 Geddes-ave. 55 FflJIKJ KMT- Mye unfurnlshed rooms, at 27 Geddes ave. 55 ]?L. KTT-Six-room House, with bariTör without, and garden, for $1.25 per week Inquire oí L. Bassett or A. M. Clabk. 66 H Sií "-ewH0U8e, with large garden, J. 2'A miles from town on Motor line, close tó etone schoolhouse- $4 per month. Aprrfy to Janitor Slgh School, Aun Arbor. 64 If OB KENT- Farm torent" 2} miles from SaA lem, for caeh or on shares. 200 acres plow land, good barns and plenty of them. Water in barn yards and elsewhere; feuces_good. Inquire of A M. Clark, Ann Arbor, or A. F. Cí.ark, Saline. 46tf iOK REMT- Large House, with fiírñaceañd barn, on 3-acre lot. Cherriee, grapes, quinces pears, apples, etc., % miles from Campus! Address James D. Duncan, 76 Miller-ave. 54 IfOB BEBÏT-Twb FlatsTaud êvêral suites of rooms, in the new Sager block, 20 8. State-8t. Inquire at 18 3. State. 28tf HISCELLANKODN. T I.ET- 36 acres of first class Land, on shares J. or cash, near this city. Also good Pasture for Horses and Cows. Apply to J. 8. Mann, 32 Huronst. Ann Arbor. 52U TEN ACRE PLOWINe TÖ ÈT-Oue mlle eattof city. A. A. Cbozier, box 33. 54 FI.OWKK, Garden and HousePlantaT Müïii ave, or Ohapin-st Green House, is the place to get Large Stock of Healthy Verbenas Pansies etc. Come early to get the best piek. M Yours respectfully, Jas. Toms. OBEKT, Gen. Ag"t for Madun Gmwald's Health Cornet and Waist, made to order. Also the Higlenic Corset and Waist. All orders will receive prompt attention by mail Addreès 30 South Fifth-ave ÏS.'oSSS'iiïr of rrörsar.Tt Wtf ALLmWDIMGER & 8CHKBIDKB. WHEUEAS, Palmer Perkins and Richard Wa tertnan are each the owners of thirty-eight shares of the capital stock of the Corporation known as The Salem Butter and Cheesé Manufactaring Company" of the township of Salem in Washtenaw County, Michigan, valued at ten dollars per share, the certifícate of the stock ol said Perkins being No. 6, and the certifícate of the stock of said Waterman, being No. 7, ano whereae, on the nmth day of Feb., A. ï. 1891, the directore of said corporation made a cali for the balance unpald upon the subscriptions to the capital stock of said corporation, anugave due and fetal notlce therepf to said Perkins and Waterman and said Perkma and Waterman have neglected fí',ireíuscd '2 p&y sucn sessment for more than thlrty days ader the same became due and payablo by the terms of said noticc: Notice is fherefore hereby given ,by the directors of said corporation that the said stock of said corporation now h LSJ aameofsaid Perkins and Waterman will be sold at public auction on the fifth day of ??h ' ,i at ten 'clock ln tne forenbon, at the office of James H. Murray, the secreta-y of said corporatioii, in the village of Salem, on "Section 14, in the townshsp of Salem aforesaid, acmadëïndioviSéd!18'0118 f 'he 8tatUte ln mch Dated 29th day of April. 1891. Jas. H. Mvrray, HlRAM B. TlIAYKR. J. B. Wateeman, John D. Haywood, Geo. S. Whkeler E. T. Walkïr, S. C. Wbkklkr, Chablis E. Rydir, ., S. C. 80BIB, 47 Director of taid Corporation.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register