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- ■ __„_ I USINEÖ ARDÖ . ARTHUR J. KITSON, Contractor & Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of Architecture. rïsidksce amd Shop, 21 Geddets-ave. "1SÑ AkBOK. MICHIGAN. HAZELWOOD'S Wood and Coal Yard. We keep constanttij on hand all kinds of nrf Wood, also Charcoal and Kindling, Flour. m Fed. Cora, Oate, Baled Hay and Straw. Udy Clerk n Main Office. ;eo. h. HAüiiiAVOoi. 33 Huron Next Fire Engine House. BbaSCH Offices: Mann's Second Hand Store, Hurou St. Hennie & Co's. Grocery Store. S. Main St. DEil.F." IS FRESH, SALT 1 biVIOKED MEATS, AD ÍAME IX SKiOX. 22 E. HURON-ST. " AREOE. íÍéwsprÍÑgopening OP Fancy-:-Millinery. Saturday, March 21, 1891. verybody invited to Examine Stock. MRS. J. L. JOHNSON, Xo. 23 Ji. Main-t. WHEN IN YPSILANTI STOP AT THE Occidental -Hotel. Mineral and Fresh Water Baths. Kg-SPBCIAL 11ATE8 TO STUDEyTS.m. Five o'clock DInners Sundays. H. E. SHUTTS, Prop'r. p K. WILLIAMS, Attorney at taw.Milan, Mlcli. Money loaned for outside parties. All legal uriness given prompt attention. 1LKX. W. HAMILTON Attornev at Uw. Will practice in both State and United SUtei Jourts. Office Rooms, one and two, lst loot oi Ihe aew bnok bloek. corner of Huron and Fonrtn Jtreets, Aan Arbor.Michtean. TRUCK AND STORAGE. Now we are ready wlth a New Brick Storehouse foíSe storage of llouseholüs, Pianos, Books and Stovet Pianos and Furniture carefully moved til kindsof Ueavy and Light draying. FRi.I0.Hl WOKK. C Si. GODFB33Y. Residence and Office, 46 N. Fourth Street. Teleptaone 82. WM. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL PAELORS over Savinga Bank opposite Oourt House Square. Teeth extracted without pain by use of Gas or Vitalized Air. WM. BIGGS. Contractor and Builder, ml all felnd of worlt in connectlon wltli the aboye proniptly executetl. Shop Cer. of Church-st and S. Unlversity ave. TeleDhone 9 ; P. O. Box 1248. -j Tail Paper? OF AU. Latest -:-DesignsPRICES TEE LOCTEST. OSCAR O. SORG, The Decorator. 76 S. Mftill-sl. - . - ASNARBOR. 32 E. HURON STREET Is a good place toget repairs done by sklllral mechanlcs such as anentering. Furnilurs, Gasolina Stores BICYCLES, SAWS FILED, etc. Also a full line of HOUSE FÜRNISHING GOODS New and Second Hand. It is the place toget a good bargain. J. S. MANN, Proprietor. BDSBY I SBABOLT, ütos. s jjstjd e Washington Street, Ann Arbc , Michigan. Hve Uways on hand a complete Stock of ere; thlnglntoe BROCERT LINE1 Teas, Coffees and Sugars All prime Articles bought for Cash and can sell at lw figures. Our frequent large inTOtcea of is a sure slgn that we give bargains io QUALITY AND PBIOE. .Jü rot our own coffeea ereiy week, alvraya " aad gCHKi. Our bakxry toros out tlieverr & f BrM, Caket asd Cragktn. CaU and .irisr .a.:r:bo:r, FRUlT-:-FARM! PEARS AND GRAPES A SPECIALTY. Atl kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Trees and Flowers, fr.m Eli.wjxger & Barry. :lrr F.arly by Huil. Syrups, Medicinal Wines. Raspberry Syrni. Boneset, Dandclicvn ud Other Domcstic Grape W'iue?, preparad cspeeUUy for Invalids. J-Pure PlymoiUïi Rook Eftgs. E MIL BAUB, W, Hl-rojj-St. -hangsTerferCATEEEE. H=TO NEW STORE:: O.S WASIIISfGTO.V STREET, Fitt door east of Main-st. ICE CREAM SODA, 5 CENTS. The finest Confectionary in the City. HOe per tb. Henry Richards, Dealer In all kinds of HARD WOOD, LUlvIBER, PENOH" POSTS, MAPLE PLOORING, etc, also PljitapïlL And al', kinds of Firewood. Prices as Low as Anv Dealer in the Citv, AGENT FOR THE üo. 9IlFlrnllU„ -- Aim Arbor, Mlch. ■ aff m n m SAMFuS SENT ffifct M% SÜl f' of sprinjt patterns witli B rt"Tr I borders and ceilings to 5 M BI M B match. One hall mïllion f mfiSL Bhri otTererl at Wholesale ■ ■ BTm MBlltaMpricoa, White bliikcto buss'cil Giitsiói-Uii :. in fa fS9kWT H S'olSe?.teiítjlKATs!H i Ekle WuHPttper JSafj't-'iuut, 63-65 W. Washington -st-Cliicatro MÜSIOAL Í0KMS A Bvi Imer oí tl.o Tjplcal Forma oi Müdein Miarte, by V. ::. U. Uathews. Pr cente. Just publihl. A SinPLE COPÏ v. .il in senlpostpuul fof 60 et., pmvMad thH pii;iprisnfo tioned. ÜHABEI CATALÍUJOfcS of MV.MtUtl ■tSICAIi COMPO8ITIOS8, Vocal nd Idbiiu mental, will bo sent FKKL to any udchüi's. ARTHUR P. SCHMiDT. 15 West SI, Boston, Mass jraSÉSjSrilMft'''' 'ou? Som carn over f SUO.OO a ƒ 7ï. BBHP'iinirTs are piimIt farniiig froni #B to Ajr_ XSÊp Í 1 Allanes. Weshow yoahow jm jfcgSI prs. Fa i Ui re imkumvn nnionfr them. H.lIullettV '..KÓx&OIurtlutMl.Maiae Ba a pamphlet of information and jm W st.rnct of tbe laws.ShowiuK llow toMT ■KObtain l'atents, Caveats, TrudeMra V'. IMarkB, CnpyrightB, sent ree-Wr B(k:x :u;i lirondway. O LQOSE'S EXTRACT RBS CLOVER BLOSSOM Femalo Weakness Sores, Ulcera, Tumo Abscesses, Blood Poisoiiing, Salt Bheui Catarrh, Eryslpelas, Kheumatism anl :■ , lSlootl and Skin pisease. Price (i. peí -f .-. .: Bottle. or 6 Bottles for 5. i Ib can Solid lixi; S250. J. M. LOOSE RED CLOVER C: Detroit. Ni icH.soid by aii druggisu. Jifa M : " ' HMPSl'" ' h 3 W. L. DOUGLAS sH n M I ■ CP aiil otlicr specialE? ?5SBïïfi'Jt' tlw for Gentlemen, ranted, and p Addresa W. Ij. UUIUI.A, KruokluB, iUuss. Soldby WW. KEIMIAKDT A CO. IO.OOO ACENTS VflÉü la npulv the inipcriitivf c!,r..ip.i ior .(Ni.tM'U oouieí f the only able smi nntheatic ' Gen.WM.TECUMStHSH ■mdV. FIXTll Tliis work fa me throwta ;■ . tin V;r ' ''" - BautUnl OW Age of i'iu'l 'vil; ,"v."ar.''tr)I I.1..1. -lile. lamo. 6.0 !■! !■ rlire. ?i2'toí.5." "' íoiA(init bf n1 :ï ."'. for on uit nrben terms lu lil'ilKthü HOS.. [■!►., SI. I onl. )l.


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Ann Arbor Register