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Mrs. llarmon ia recovering l'rora lier late illne&s. Ben MaGraw and daughter Minnie visited at this place last Suuday. Mr. Suthard suffered a paralytic stroke last week and is now very low. The lawsuit at Barr's Hall last Wednesday, before Aaron Kelsey, was decided in favor of Chas Coombs. H. Dunsmore, so we are informed, will appeal. Coombs' attorney was Jones, of Saline; Dunsmore's was Keudall, of Milán. Ueiicr. Mrs. Weeks' house is now enclosed. It i a tasty structure. Henry Bootü's new house bas jusl received its first coat of paint. Mr. Iiogers was taken last. Saturday with a stroke of paralysis. Ile is, however, able to be around the house again and doing well for one of nis extreme age. WebHtt'r. Miss ida Kenny visited friends in Lansin last week. The Congregational Sunday school will observe Chüdren's Sunday. D. C. Fall, of Ann Albor, called on relativea in Webster last week. School district No. 2 comnienced this week, with Miss Moore as teacher. Misses Maggie, Nannie and Mamie " Phelps. accouipanied their grandfather to Lansing last week. Slilnn. Presiding Eider Joslin preached at the Methodist church Sunday. Mrs. Wily Dexter entertained a few ladies at tea Friday evening. Mise Millie Hitchcock i.- teaching school at Whittaker this sprinc. h. Rouse, of Homer, was the guest of his father, J. C. House, overSunday. Miss Della Holcomb is teaching No. Ö district school at London this spring. The receipts of the Baptist ice cream social Wednesday evening were 811.60. Eight persons united with the Baptist church by baptism Sunday, thirteen receiving the right hand of fellowship. Mr. Torrence had a runaway Saturday. His wife and daughter were thrown out of the wagon, and the latter was quite badly hurt. Wra. Lee, wbile walking to Milan on the Ann Arbor track Monday morning, had a narrow escape. Attempting to cross a cattle guard in front of an approacliing train, and trying to disengage himself, he hurt one of his legs quite badly and lost one of his heels. Miss Ella Springer was quite badly burned Wednesday evening in trying to extinguish tb e flames in lier sleeping room, which had caught in a lace curtain from a parlor match. By the timely assistance of the neighbors, the flames were extinguished without inuch damage. Ckelsea. Mrs. L II. Wood visited Jackson last week. Dr. Bush and family have moved to Jackeon. Dr. R. Wright returned from the east last week. Rev. C. Hoag and farnily are visiting in Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. L. 10. Sparks, of JacksoD, visited in town last Wednesday. Rev. J. II. Mclntosh has recovered and was able to preach last Sunday. Theo. Wood has had an addition built on the south side of his residence. Mr. and Mrs. Lighthall were called to Laingsburg last week, by the death of her sister, Mrs. Royce. E. F. Armstrong & Company have united their two stores, and are now located in the Winans building. The Washtenaw Baptist Association and Sunday school convention met at the Baptist church on May 5, 6 and 7. Geo. Greening has returned to his law practice in Alpena, and his brother Frank has resumed his work as postal clerk. The gymnasium society gave an icecream 6ocial and club-swinging exerciBe on Saturday evening. The receipts were $6. Mr. and Mrs. John Cook, since the death of Mrs. Cook's mother, in Ypsilanti, have returned to their old home on the farm. The W. C. T. U. have elected the following officers for the ensuing year: President, Mrs. D. H. Hoag; vice-president, Mre. L. Taylor; secretary, Miss O. Conklin; treasurer, Mrs. J. Everett. Saleui. Mrs. Chas. McLachlin is visiting her parents in Belding. Martin Briggs, of Plymouth, was in the village Tuesday. Chas. Merritt shipped a car load of cattle to Detroit Tuesday. Mr. Wilson, of Walled Lake, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. W. Ryder. Chas. McLachlin is serving on the jury at Arm Arbor this week. Salem Tent K. O. T. M. No. 417 met Tuesday and initiated officers. Arbor day was well observed in the village, a large number of young maples being set out. Rev. W. H. Shannon preached a special sermón to young men last Sabbath evening. Rev. W. H. Shannon will preach to the children the n'rst Sabbath morning ofeach month. A gang of workmen are constructing a road bridge on the D,, L. & N. railway, just south of the village. Fred Sudleberg has been appointed foreman of the Greenfield section of the D., L. & N. railway. Chas. Utley and wife attended the funeral of Zachariah Suley, uncle of Mrs. Utley, at Orchard Lake, last Wednesday. The senior scholars of the public school will give an entertainment in Smith's Hall a week Ifrom next Saturday. Proceeds to go towards purchasing aflag. Rev. W. II. Shannon held a service for children in the Congregational church, Sunday morning, and preached a special sermón to young men in the evening. Whltniore Lake. Supervisor Dufly is taking the assessment. C. L. Rane is enlarging his ice cream I parlor. Will Osborne will run steamer Oreóla tb is season. Misa Mabel Stiles has been eeverely ï 11 with rheuniatic fever. T. M. Dodge has been at Laingsburg overseeing the work of bis farm. TheStilson mansion (?) is bem,' torn down and will b replaced by a cottage. The Ann Arbor company is attempting to fill the sink hole at Horseshoe lake with gravel. Another oneofthe Hilderbrant - Rorabacher lawsuits was tried at Howell last week. Judguieut not yet awarded. The Ann Arbor road will soon put on the long needed train and have one going south in the morning and one north at noon. It appears that we will have a bus line here this season withMichaelDuffy a.-i proprietor. He bought the green bus at Green's auction at Anu Arbor. The game warden dropped on to t wel ve law-breakers spearing at Hamburg last Sunday night. It is getting to be dangerous business and that makes the sport the more pleasant. About thirty of the U. of M. boys would be sorry to bave their friends know of some of their actions here last Snnday. Many highly respected young men too.


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